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This page contains a short short story, dating from a time I forced myself to write at least one page a day. The writing could be anything, in this case a rip-off of Superman. This page is part of a larger website, the Coinquay web presence. Click the coinquay graphic to return to the main page. You can also reach the main page with the url http://ey.to.hey.to/.

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... Aquam

The Antics of Aqua Man!
by Clarah Hallstein
01 January 1993

In the year 4030 B.C. a volcanic eruption nearly destroyed the Kingdom of Atlanta. The local scientists predicted that the rest of the island were soon to disappear beneath the waves, and that preparations should be made to abandon island.

Among those who eagerly set to preparing themselves was a young man called Alrek. He and his wife Milna lived high on the slopes of Mount Olim, the highest point of the island. Alrek developed a machine that could travel under water, but it was never tested. Now finally, when their lives depended on it, it would be tested to the extreme : would it carry its passengers, or dump its cargo in the ocean floor mud?

It was soon afterward that the big eruption took place. Everywhere people screamed and those who were wise enough to prepare for it scrambled for their vessels. Alrek took his wife with him, and his loyal cat, Fellin, and they boarded their craft. The ship had been packed with food and other survival provisions, for no-one knew how long they would have to travel before they reached the land of their ancestors : Ancient Egypt.

When the water came to them, everybody held their breaths, but the ship seemed sturdy enough, and Alrek sighed with relief when the craft disappeared in the ocean without incident. He set the ship's directions to the east, and switched the engines on. Unfortunately he got the direction all wrong, and instead they sailed west.

They were not far from the sinking island when it was shocked by an immense explosion. The ship was too close to the island to avoid damage, and it rocked heavily. Alrek tried to stabilise the vessel, but to no avail : they were being pulled back toward the doomed island!

Milna prayed earnestly to God to save them, and He heard her prayer. Suddenly the ship seemed to dissolve, and everyone inside fell to a deep sleep. Somewhat happened, no-one knows really what, but when the ship came to, and everybody woke up, they seemed to have slept for some 6000 years, give or take fifty years.

And when the vessel sailed into a big harbour, busy with traffic, and filled with strange people, Milna knew : This is not the end of their trip, but the beginning of a whole new life : New York New York 1986.

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(c) 1999 Samuel Murray

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Page created: 1999-08-30
Page revised: 1999-10-30

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