Other Stuff!!!
For lack of a better name, this is the "Other Stuff" area. Here you can find:
An all-new addition to the site: a page of Norn Names for your baby Norns! Compiled by Starry.
A place for News so that it doesn't take up space in the updates section! Currently features (old) info on C3.
Starry and Ellie's Awards Page
Our trophy room where we keep any awards our site has won!
Our all-new program to combat Norn abuse - A Second Life for Abused Norns. I encourage everyone to visit this section and join! Also, be sure to visit the Briefing Room for a better idea of what ASLAN is about. Only with your help can we help this sad cause!
Join our mailing list!
Email me, Starry, or Ellie!
Any current contests! Check these out!