Welcome to Area ASLAN, the hideout for those members, Norns, and people interested in Project ASLAN. Here you can find:
Where happy recovered Norns live and their stories are told
Starry's Guides to Rehabilitating Tortured Norns
Two detailed guides (one for C1, one for C2) explaining how to care for your Tortured Norn(s)
Where you can join Project ASLAN
Starry's Guides to Rehabilitating Tortured Norns
Two detailed guides of how to take care of your Norns - one for C1, one for C2.
Where you'll learn about the Project and what's going on around here
Where you can find links to the horrible sites where the Tortured Norns are up for download and download them yourself to heal and care for
So what are you waiting for??? Choose a room, and go! Or you can click
HERE to return to the Main Page.