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Great plot, bishonen of every flavor, gorgeous mecha, political intrigue, shonen ai subtext (3x4 *sparkle, sparkle*)... what more do you want from a series?
Episodes on the DVDs can be viewed with either English or Japanese language, with or without English subtitles.
Anyone who saw any of the "new" episodes of Sailor Moon on Toonami knows how badly destroyed it was. These DVD's are uncut, acurately translated and have the japanese language track. No longer will the moronic dubbing be the only option!
Click on the image of the book to go to
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Tombs of Atuan
The Farthest Shore
The Last Book of Earthsea An awsome series, moving and meaningfull and fun too!
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
The Altas Of Middle Earth
Jewel-A Night Without Armor
Also avaliable on:
-TapeChasing Down the Dawn Poery by Jewel, really great, you can see the origins of some of her lyrics...
A book in prose, has pictures and her stories, I looked through it for 20 minutes at the store, it's beautiful.
Pieces of You
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill
Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Loreena McKennitt The Book Of Secrets
I love this cd, you can listen to it straight through over and over, it never gets old.
Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia-Left of the Middle
A wonderful album, not a bad song on it (in my opinion) and many of the songs in a different(better) style than her most popular hit: "Torn".
Savage Garden Savage Garden- Great CD, all good songs
with good rythms and lyrics.Affirmations
SoundTracks RENT-
complete collection of all the songs from the musical.
I listened to it non-stop for the entire week after I bought it.
It's that good.Evita-complete movie sound-track.
La Femme Nikita: Music from the TV show.
(selected songs from seasons 1 and 2)
GoTo: La Femme Nikita Shrine
The Matrix- On DVD (also on video)
Ghost in the Shell Ghost in the Shell- What can I say, this is one of the greatest Anime movies ever... If you can handle the nudity (she isn't human, just remember that!), the plot and animation quality are amazing! Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) Mononoke Hime - I saw this movie 3 times in the theater. It is an amazing story and the animation is by Miyazaki, enough said.
Gundam Wing: Operation 1 (Episodes 1-5) Operation 2 (Episodes 6-10) Operation 3 (Episodes 11-15) Operation 4 (Episodes 16-20) Operation 5 (Episodes 21-25) Operation 6 (Episodes 26-30) Operation 7 (Episodes 31-35) Endless Waltz (OAV episodes 1-3 + Special Edition Movie)
Gundam Wing!!! Yeah!
This is one of the greatest Animes I have ever seen.
I've heard it's the best of all the gundam series.
I own the first six and Endless Waltz (Oparation 7 is on order) If you only saw the Toonami version of the show - ESPECIALLY if you only saw the toonami version of Endless Waltz - I really recomend these DVDs, the japanese language version was just better.
Sailor Moon S Heart Collection - Volume I, II, and III
The first disc had 7 episodes on it. I don't have 2 and 3 yet, because they haven't been released
Shojo Kakumei Utena (Revolotionary Girl Utena) Rose Collection - Volume 1 - Episodes 1-7 - I recently got to see the REST of this series (beyond the American release) and I now realize just how important and fortuitous these episodes are. Rose Collection - Volume 2 - Episodes 8-13 - These episodes complete the Student Council Saga, and are a complete storyline in themselves. The truly important meanings are all hidden behing a screen of foolishness, but they are there if you know where to look.
Games Final Fantasy VIII- for Sony PlayStation.
Awesome graphics.
I've heard the plot isn't as good as FF VI,
but I haven't had any problems with it yet.