Maya's Books, Music, and Videos

Last Update: 7/17/00 (Monday)

people have been enlightened by this page since 8/15/03.

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Kim Stanley Robinson
Red Mars-The first in the trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson describing the colonization of Mars by humans. In my opinion an excelent book. Amazing character development and descriptions of Mars. Green Mars-Continues where Red Mars left off, keeps most of the same characters and introduces a few new ones. Again, amazing descriptions, just very well written overall. Blue Mars-The third and final book in the trilogy, I'm almost finished and I must say it's the best of the three. Shorter Sections, combined with the same wonderful writing. Just beware, you might start feeling as old as the first hundred yourself. ;)

Ursula K. LeGuin
A Wizard of Earthsea The Tombs of Atuan The Farthest Shore Tehanu:
The Last Book of Earthsea
An awsome series, moving and meaningfull and fun too!

J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King The Altas Of Middle Earth
What can I say? These books are the first real, good fiction that I ever read. Tolkien was brilliant and the endless complexity of the world he created is astounding.

Jewel Jewel-A Night Without Armor
Also avaliable on:
Angel Standing By: The Story of Jewel

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Pieces of You Spirit

Alanis Morissette
Jagged Little Pill Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie

Natalie Imbruglia
Natalie Imbruglia-Left of the Middle
A wonderful album, not a bad song on it (in my opinion) and many of the songs in a different(better) style than her more popular hits like "Torn".

Savage Garden
Savage Garden- Great CD, all good songs
with good rythms and lyrics.

Evita-complete movie sound-track. La Femme Nikita: Music from the TV show.
(selected songs from seasons 1 and 2)
GoTo: La Femme Nikita Shrine

N'SYNC- self titled US debut album.
Several good songs.
What can I say? it's pop music.
No Strings Attached- 2nd US album.
First single-"Bye Bye Bye"

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Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon R- The Movie Sailor Moon S- The Movie Sailor Moon SuperS- The Movie
Other Sailor Moon Videos...Click Here

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Gundam Wing:
Operation 1 (Episodes 1-5)

Operation 2 (Episodes 6-10)

Operation 3 (Episodes 11-15)

Operation 4 (Episodes 16-20)

Gundam Wing!!! Yeah! This is one of the greatest Animes I have ever seen, and I've heard it's the best of all the gundam series.
Great plot, bishonen, gorgeous mecha, political intrigue, shonen ai subtext (3x4 *sparkle, sparke*)... what more do you want from a series? Episodes on the DVDs can be viewed with either English or Japanese language, with or without English subtitles.
I own the first three and I love them. Operation 4 will be released in early August... I can't wait.
The Matrix- On DVD (also availiable on video). What do you say about this movie? Beautiful special effects, great plot (as long as you're not watching it with people who insist on calling Neo "Jesus") lots of guns, explosions, and REALLY nice trench-coats. ;)

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Final Fantasy VIII- for Sony PlayStation. Awesome, beautiful graphics, I've heard the plot isn't as good as FF VI, but I haven't had any problem with it yet, except that I don't get to see Siefer often enough. ;)