About The Prodigies:
Hello and welcome to our strange but wonderfully weird world. Room-3. Chuckie's Prodigies are us, the students.
We are an enrichment class. Brainy. Above average. Intellectual. Modest.
We are divided into six main groups: honky moo cows, bok bok chickens, the ibble dibble tickle tribe, woof woof doggy dogs. And then we have the few people who don't belong to any. Some people belong all all four of them.
If you dig deep into the depths of our desks, you will find many weird objects such as sheep's brains, he-men dolls with plasticine weapons, tape recorders, bent forks, and combs (for our hair).
We have many successful students. These are just a very small number of them:
PAUL TORKINGTON - Paul won the Mathex statistics competition out of the whole of Auckland. It was about a monorail to be built in Henderson.
FORM 1 Quiz Team - Sam McCall, Emily Toh, Logan Dingle and Jenny Poortman - These students won the Mathex quiz out of the whole of Auckland.
Another fact about our maths success is that Emily and Sam are so clever that while we are doing maths in class, they're sitting there doing extra maths by correspondence.
Please read on to find out more about each prodigy. Be warned though! Some of these pages may affect your health, sanity and well-being.
Please click on the prodigy's first name for more information about themselves. (Ones that have an * beside them are not finished)
First Name
Aurelia Basham 7 Kendrick Bong 7 Kyle Church 7 Logan Dingle 7 Sarah Florence 7 Aaron Friedlander 7 Stacey Goddard 7 Sam McCall 7 Paul McIver 7 Howard Mortimer 7 Blake Plummer 7 Jenny Poortman 7 Emily Toh 7 Rosanne Worsfold 7 Vanessa Zimmermann 7 Nathan Champion 8 Sheena Da Silva 8 Aroha Gedye 8 Renee Greaves 8 Theo Hassett 8 Piotrek Janczewski 8 Robert King 8 Justin Marsh 8 Kelly Poynter 8 James Pryor 8 *Jenna Sadgrove 8 Kelly Smith 8 David Tilton 8 Paul Torkington 8 Mark Towl 8 Scott Walbran 8 Ally Williams 8
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E-mail us at room-3@corrections.co.nz |
The URL of this page is http://robin:8080/room-3/about.htm |
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