The Alpha Program

Alpha is a voluntary program for 4th and 5th grade students who have been referred by their classroom teacher. Students are referred and selected who, it is felt, will benefit from Alpha's educational enhancements, additional attention, and counseling services. The program was established to help capable students make the most of their potential.

Once accepted into the program, students are involved in a high interest curriculm and participate in many educationally and socially enriching activities and field trips. In addition to the regular curriculm, students are given special instruction in critical thinking, responsibility training, problem solving, goal setting, and making wise choices. Mastering these skills not only boosters self-esteem, it also helps students avoid many of the common pitfalls of adolescents.

Eligible students attend the Alpha program 5 days a week for one school year. Sixty students are chosen to participate each year. The Alpha program is located at Blanton Elementary, and students are referred from selected area schools.

The Alpha program consists of a program director, a lead counselor, three teachers, three in-school counselors, one in-home counselor, and four paraprofessionals. The program uses a team approach, with teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, parents, and the child all being integral parts of the team. As with all successful teams, it is necessary for all members to be actively involved in the program. The importance of parental participation cannot be overstated. This establishes a unity of purpose and approach which is necessary for students to make significant progress.

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