The Earffel Tower | The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror2 | The Great Movie Ride | Star Tours | Backstage Studio Tour | Stage Shows
The Earffel
The Earffel Tower is the symbol of Disney-MGM Studios much like Cinderella Castle or Spaceship Earth. This giant functioning water tower is done in grand Disney fashion. It welcomes you to a day of the magic and illusion of film-making at MGM Studios.
The Twilight Zone Tower of
"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension- a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone." A 13 story freefall - TWICE! The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is the tallest landmark ever created in a Disney theme park. Step inside....
The Great Movie
From Gene Kelly in "Singing in the Rain" to Sigourney Weaver in "Aliens", the Great Movie Ride takes guests through the classic MGM movies of old and new. A combination of audioanimatronics and live actors make this one of the most entertaining rides in MGM Studios. Whether you like John Wayne or Dorothy of Oz, you are sure to find one of your heros of the silver screen on this ride....
Feel like a ride to Endor? In this exciting ride through George Lucas' universe state-of-the-art flight simulator technology and advanced filmaking techniques put you into an adventure that is sure to be one of the highlights of your day in MGM. A tip: listen to the voice of your pilot as he takes you on a bombing run through the Death Star......You'll never guess who it is!! This is one of our absolute favorites!
Backstage Studio
This ride takes you though Movie Magic. You start your trip in MGM's costume shops and progress through New York City, the Golden Girls' house, and finally through Catastrophe Canyon, where earthquakes, flames and floods are all in a days work. See special effects at their best on this fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the movies.
Stage Shows
MGM Studios has the best collection of stage shows in all of Walt Disney World. From Beauty and the Beast and Voyage of the Little Mermaid, to Muppetvision 3D and the Hunchback of Notre Dame, MGM comes alive with music, song, and laughter.... So be sure to get there early and enjoy the show!!!!
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