Hiya!!! Lookie what mommy made for me to take care of on my pages!!! She is reawwy good at making things.. well I think so anyway. Mommy is making a page where you can get these aminals and things for you to have on your pages... Right now, here is a prieview of what she is making. Mommy says that I am the first to adopt anything from "Andi's Adoptions" Cool Huh??? So please dont take my aminals, Go to My mommy's page and get them on your own *grin* Tank You!!! Well.. Here they are!!!!!

Oh... to view this font right, youll have to download it.... Its called CAC futura casual. It looks just like the sign at the top of my page.. I think it looks kinda cool.

customizable (hind stars and neckline) customizable (hind design and hair jewels)

balloon name is customizable

Thats all for now... Mommy is making me more everyday. I like to help her, and give her ideas.. but mommy say's its time to go to bed I hate going to bed... Oh well.. Nite Nite!!

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Last Updated: July 09, 2000