Hiya, I'm Bubba. Well.. Mommy says to say that my real name is Eddie. But everyone calls me "Bubba". I am 3 years old. Mommy is starting to Potty train me, but I just dont wanna go. Can ya blame me?? I have it made, Whenever my diaper is wet or dirty, it gets changed. Why would anyone want to have to do it by themselves?? Anyway. Like Tayler said, We like to fight. We do it all the time. Then Mommy gets mad at us, but its ok.. we laugh at her when shes angry. It makes her laugh too. *giggle*
I am getting so big!! I still remember when i was Kody's size. I know that was a long time ago, but im still young *heehee* I was a chubby little boy then. I have gotten much taller and im not as pudgy now. Mommy says i have a beer belly *heehee* Wanna see some pictures of me? There are more on Tayler's Picture Page
 Here i am with my mommy *grin*
Hee hee I like this one.. Watch out!! here comes....
there are more pictures of me on the picture page.
Thats all for now.. Keep commin' back for more info on The Bubba Monster!!!
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Last Updated: October 8, 2000