Greetings Earthling!

You have entered the realm of insanity... namely, the zany world of Animaniacs. If you don't already know, "Steven Speilberg Presents Animaniacs" is a cartoon which airs on WB Kids.

The links and navigation tools for this site is located on the left of screen as well as on the bottom of each page. This site features images and information on each of the regular cartoon shorts as well as The Javascript Animaniacs Fan Purity Test, Mad Libs, Image Gallery, Sounds and The Love Connection.

Enjoy your stay... NARF

[The Animaniacs Web Ring]
This Animaniacs Ring Site is owned by
Mildred Wong .
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Steven Spielberg presents ANIMANIACS and its characters are trademarks and the intellectual property of Warner Brothers

ANIMANIACS iNvAdE sIgH-bUrR-sPaCe was created by Mildred Wong