The CounterRaces
Half Elf
Wood Elf
Rank 1 - Level 9
Rank 2
- Level 15
Rank 3
- Level 22
Rank 4
- Level 30
Rank 5
- Level 39
Rank 6
- Level 49
Kithicor Forest
Surefall Glade
Ivy Etched Armor
Thorny Vine Armor
Ranger Weapons
EverQuest Links
Rangers Links


Rangers are unique
in the fact that they are good in combat and have the
ability to cast spells. Rangers are hybrids that are 3/4
Warrior and 1/4 Druid. Rangers recieve some of the same
spells that Druids get but at later levels. Rangers first
receive the ability to cast spells at the 9th season.
When a young Ranger reaches the 9th season, he should go
to their guild and train 1 point into each of the 5 magic
areas : abjure, alter, conjure, divinate and evoke. If
you do not train in these magic areas, your skills will
never increase. The ability to channel, which affects how
quickly you cast spells, is automatically given upon
reaching the 9th season, so there is no need to train in
that skill. At level 12 rangers get the ability to
meditate, which allows them to regain mana much quickly.
The amount of mana that you have is determined by how
much wisdom you have. The higher your wisdom, they more
mana you have. Keep in mind that because you have barely
recieved your magic abilities, your mana will be very
low, comparable to a druid of the first level. Rangers,
for the most part, receive their spells comparable to the
same rank Druids received their spells. In example a
Ranger receives his first rank spells at level 9 and will
get some of the same spells a Druid received at his first
rank at level 1. In all, Rangers receive 6 ranks of
spells starting at level 9 and contiuing until level 49.

Rank 1 -
Level 9
Endure Fire |
Adds to
player fire resistence score. |
Flame Lick |
Damage Over
Time (DOT) spell. Also lowers Armor Class (AC). |
Glimpse |
zoomed sight spell. Lets you see objects at a
distance close up. Self Only , may not be cast on
others. |
Lull Animal |
animal agressiveness so that they don't attack if
successful. |
Minor Healing |
First in a
line of healing spells that Rangers receive.
Heals 10 Health Points (HP). |
Skin Like Wood |
First in a
line of buffing spells. It hads both HP and AC. |
Snare |
root spell that reduces movement rate in half,
occasionally stopping movement altogether, which
will prevent fleeing. |
2 - Level 15
Burst of Fire |
Damage (DD) spell. |
Camoflauge |
Out Door
(OD) only invisibility spell. |
Cure Poison |
poison effects. |
Dance of the Fireflies |
Summons a minor
lightsource. |
Feet Like Cat |
Adds to
player agility score. |
Grasping Roots |
Second in a
line of root spells. Upgrade to Snare. This spell
actually roots enemy in place and does small DD. |
Invoke Lightning |
Area Effect
(AE) spell that centers around the target that is
OD only. |
Thistle Coat |
First in a
line of thistle coat spells. Creates a mild
thistlecoat which will damage enemy if you are
hit. Self only, may not be cast on others |
3 - Level 22
Bind Sight |
Allows you
to view sight through the eyes of you target. |
Enduring Breath |
breathing spell. |
Harmony |
AE spell
that reduces NPC agressiveness. |
Ignite |
DD spell. |
Light Healing |
Second in a
line of healing spells that Rangers receive.
Upgrade to Minor Healing. Heals 25 HP. |
Skin Like Rock |
Second in a
line of buffing spells. Upgrade to Skin Like
Wood. Adds HP and AC. |
Ward Summoned |
DD spell
versus summoned creatures. Very good damage to
mana ratio compared to other damage spells. |
4 - Level 30
Barb Coat |
Second in a
line of thistle coat spells. Upgrade Thistle
Coat. Adds AC and light damage shield. Self only,
may not be cast on others. |
Cancel Magic |
Cancels out
magic effects placed on you or another party
member. |
Eyes of the Cat |
Grants a
player infravision. |
Invigore |
Restores a
players stamina. |
Shield of Thistles |
Creates a
temporary thistle damage shield. May be cast on
other players. |
Stingin Swarm |
DOT spell. |
Strength of Earth |
Adds to a
players strength score. |
5 - Level 39
Calm Animal |
Upgrade to
lull animal. Lowers animal agressiveness. |
Careless Lightning |
DD spell. |
Dismissed Summoned |
Ugprade to
ward summoned. DD spell versus summoned
creatures. The best damage to mana ratio of any
Ranger spells. |
Heal |
Last in a
line of healing spells that Rangers receive.
Heals 80 HP. |
Levitate |
Allows a player to
levitate above ground. |
Skin Like Steel |
Last in a
line of buffing spells that Rangers receive. Adds
HP and AC. |
Spirit of the Wolf |
Allows a
player to run twice as fast. One of the most
useful and desired spells in the game. |
Rank 6 - Level 49
Bramble Coat |
in a line of thistle coat spells. Adds AC
and small damage shield. Self only, may
not be cast on others. |
Ensnaring Roots |
in a line of root spells. Ugrade to
Grasping Roots. Does DD and holds enemy
in place. |
Immolate |
to Flame Lick. Does DOT and lowers AC. |
Resist Fire |
to Endure Fire. Adds to a players fire
resistence score. |
Shield of Barbs |
to Shield of Thistles. Creates a
temporary barb damage shield. May be cast
on others. |
Camoflauge |
to Camoflauge. Invisibility spell that
works indoors, outdoors and versus
undead. |
Wolf Form |
you to take the form of a wolf. Adds to
your Attack score, speed like SOW and
grants infravision.Self only OD spell,
may not be cast on others. |