Here are some Virtual Mascots linked with their owners!

Remember, don't take a Mascot for a trip without checking with his owner at their site! That's what makes this fun!!

How do we host Troop 142's Mascot?

How do I Make a Virtual Mascot?

Junior Troop 667

Brownie Troop 197 - Del City, OK
We're STILL tryin!!

Mullokas Patrol - Australia
Kylie Kangaroo

Boy Scout Troop 149 - Alamogordo, NM
The Beav

Brownie Troop ???
See your troop here

Brownie Troop ???
From ???

Brownie Troop ???
From ???

Great people who have linked with Troop 142!!

Florida - Troop 280 Indiana - Troop 3611 Girl Scouts-Vancouver, WA

Here are the links to Troop 142's Site!!

Virtual Paper Doll
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Thinking Fun
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