My Yo-Yo Page

My Yo-Yo Page

I recently returned from the world championships yo-yo competition in Pittsburgh PA. I was in the advacned division. I finished in about 15th (they only place the top 3). Unfortunately I had never been to a competition before so I had no idea what the judges were looking for in my tricks. Because of this I had to learn many tricks right before the competions started so I hadn't gotten to practice them. I fully intend on starting a yo-yo club in the Orange County NY area in a couple of weeks. So keep checking back here because it is going to be very exciting until I have to go back to school.

I use a lot of different types of yo-yo's. At the world championships they were giving out Playmaxx's Pro-Yo II. It is super smooth.

I believe I became the first person to yo-yo off the top of the ferris wheel at Hershey Park in PA. Too bad there wasn't enough room to do a ferris wheel with the yo-yo as well. This was not on the same trip but a few weeks before the other trip. I used a BC Blackbird that I imported from Florida over Spring Break for this stunt. Every place I go I see little kids with yo-yo's. I don't understand why they have become so popular. Anyway, I would like to offer my help to anyone that needs to know a trick. You could ask me about any trick on my trick list

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