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Server 54, Where Are You?

(04/09/01, 4:28 p.m. ET) TechWeb News 
The University of North Carolina has finally found a network server that, although missing for four years, hasn't missed a packet in all that time. Try as they might, university administrators couldn't find the server. Working with Novell Inc. (stock: NOVL), IT workers tracked it down by meticulously following cable until they literally ran into a wall. The server had been mistakenly sealed behind drywall by maintenance workers. (http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20010409S0012)

Excellence in Education

In a Nov. 16, 2000, letter published in its entirety (except for naming the recipient) in Washington (D.C.) City Paper in January, the human resources director for the District of Columbia Public Schools informs a female job applicant that an investigation into her criminal record has been resolved in her favor. According to the letter, DCPS accepted the applicant's documentation that the government had, for undisclosed reasons, declined to prosecute her cocaine distribution charge, her marijuana possession charge, her three dangerous-weapons charges, her shoplifting charge, her soliciting prostitution charge, and her destruction of government property charge (all during 1984-1992) and that the woman, thus with a clean record, is now "eligible for employment with DCPS."

Now you know why that person had their finger in their ear

Engineer Masaaki Fukumoto, 36, of the Japanese firm NTT DoCoMo, announced in October 2000 that he had developed a prototype of a wireless telephone worn as a wristband and functioning via a device that converts audio signals into vibrations. Incoming calls cause the wrist to vibrate, and the wearer engages the phone by touching the thumb to the index finger. Speaking requires holding the wristband close to the mouth, and listening involves transferring the audio signal to the eardrum, which is done by the user's sticking his finger in his ear.



 Welcome to the Managed Friends Network, a whole new way of thinking about friends and relationships.  The Managed Friends Network combines all of the advantages of a traditional friends network with important time-saving and cost-effective features.

      How does it work?

 Under the Managed Friends Network, you choose your friends from a network of pre-screened, accredited Friends Providers (FPs).  All your friendship needs are met by members of your Managed Friends Staff.

      What's wrong with my current friends?

 If you're like most people, you are receiving friendship services from a network of providers haphazardly patched together from your old neighborhoods, jobs, and schools.  The result is often costly duplication, inefficiency, and conflict.  Many of your current friends may not meet national standards, responding to your needs with inappropriate, outmoded, or even experimental acts of friendship.  Under Managed Friends, your friendship needs are coordinated by your designated Best Friend, who will ensure the quality and goodness of fit of all your friendly relationships.

      How do I know that the Managed Friends Network's panel of friends is not made up of a bunch of losers who can't make  friends on their own?

 Many of today's most dedicated and highly trained Friends Providers are as concerned as we are about delivering Quality Friends in a time-saving and cost-effective manner.  They have joined our network because they want to focus on acting like a friend rather than doing the paperwork and paying the high "bad-friends" premiums that have caused the cost of traditional friendship to skyrocket.  Our Friends Providers have met the rigorous standards of the Managed Friends Network for companionship and loyalty.

      What if I need a special friend, say, for poker or fishing?

 Special Friends are responsible for most of the unnecessary and expensive activities that burden already costly relationships.  Under the Managed Friends Network, your Best Friend is qualified to pre-approve your referral to a Special Friend within the Managed Friendship Network should your needs fall outside of the scope of his/her friendship.

      Suppose I want to see friends outside the Managed Friends Network?

 You may make friends outside of the Managed Friends Network only in the event of a Friendship Emergency.

      What is a "Friendship Emergency?"

 The Managed Friends Network covers your friendship needs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even if you need a friend out of town, after regular business hours, or when your Best Friend is with someone else.  You might be on a business trip, for instance, and suddenly find that you are feeling lonely.  In such cases, you may make a New Friend, and all approved friendly activities will be covered under the Managed Friends Network, provided you notify the Managed Friends Office or the 24-hour Friends Hot-line (1-800-FRIENDS) within two business days.


     What friendly activities are covered under the Managed Friends Network?

 Friendly Activities that are typically covered include:

   - Agreeing with you
   - Appearing sympathetic
   - Chewing the fat
   - Dropping by
   - Feeling your pain
   - Gossiping
   - Hanging out
   - Holding your hand (up to 5 minutes per activity)* -
   - Joshing
   - Kidding around
   - Listening to you whine*
   - Partying
   - Passing the time
   - Patting your back
   - Ribbing
   - Sharing a meal
   - Shooting the breeze
   - Slinging the bull
   - Teasing

 Note: *up to 15 minutes under the Premium Gold Friends Plan

 What friendly activities are not covered under the Managed Friends Network?

 Activities that would not be pre-approved include (but are not limited to):

   - Bar hopping
   - Bending over backwards
   - Drinking to excess
   - Giving a hoot
   - Going the extra mile
   - Lending money
   - Real empathy
   - Truly caring

      How can I find out more about the Managed Friends Network?

 A simple call is all it takes.  If you need a friend, just call our toll-free number (1-800-FRIENDS).  Or visit our web site (www.mfn.wegotyounow.com)  Sign up for the Managed Friends Network and rest easier with the knowledge that all of your appropriate friendship needs will be met.

 Who decides what's appropriate for me?

We do.  Isn't that what friends are for?

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 This special tftd-l pre-publication screening of the ad campaign brought to you by Penny Pennington pennington2@llnl.gov


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