Fossil VertebratesOnly Merycoidodon gracilis is currently described on this page, but Mesohippus will be added sometime in the future. The skull of Oreodon gracilis is shown
below in three photos. Oreodon gracilis is an extinct vertebrate.
This specimen was found in Oligocene strata. The anterior portion of the
temporal is narrow, and it is much narrower than a similar species, Oreodon
culbertsonii. Oreodon gracilis has close-set selenodont molars and
premolars, and they show little wear in this specimen. The width of the cranium
over the zygomatic arches is about 50.97 mm; however, the skull has been
deformed. The lateral views show that the occipital condyles can be seen
directly below the supraoccipital crest and wings, although the wings have
apparently been broken off this specimen.
Links to additional informationJoseph Leidy: Father of American Paleontology Joseph Leidy: Merycoidodon culbertsonii