Ikariku's Funny Library

!!!!! Notice !!!!!!

All the jokes i posted on the homepage is composed by someone else, not me..
I have no copyrights on those jokes.....
If u r the composer.... then sorry....
If u r just a reader... then enjoy....

  • 81. ....腳踏車
    某天... 我向她借了腳踏車......

    82. ....不要打電話


    83. ....中毒死


    84. ....甜蜜的負荷

    這次的事件又發生在我婆家 :

    86. ....Wanted!!!

    A San Antonio newspaper featured this ad in its classified column:
    "Wanted, big executive, from 22 to 80. To sit with feet on desk from 10 to
    4.30 and watch other people work. Must be willing to play golf every
    afternoon. Salary to start : $500 a week. We don't have this job open, you
    understand. We just thought we'd like to see in print what everybody is
    applying for."

    87. ....court for fighting

    A young man was hauled into court for fighting. "Tell your side of
    the story," said the Judge.

    "Well, I was in the phone booth talkin' to my girl when this guy wants to
    use the phone. Me and my girl had just talked for about ten minutes when he
    opened the door, grabs me by the neck and tossess me out of the booth."

    "Then you got angry ?" asked the judge.

    "No," the young man replied, "I really didn't get mad 'til he grabbed my gal
    by the neck and threw her out, too !"

    88. ....Cow's conversation...

    Two cows were grazing alongside a highway when a milk truck went by. On the
    side of the truck were the words "PASTEURIZED, HOMOGENIZED, STANDARDIZED,
    One cow turned to the other and said, "Makes you feel sort of inadequate,
    doesn't it ?"

    89. ....The top 50 things to say...

    The top 50 things to do or say when you wake up to your
    roommate in bed with his girlfriend

    50. (the obvious) "Ooooooo"
    49. "That would work better the other way around.."
    48. Sniff. Sniff. "Is something burning?"
    47. "Damn, that's complicated."
    46. "Wait, wait, use my pillow."
    45. "Alright already, _I_came."
    44. "You guys need a value pak."
    43. Smoke a pipe. Every once in a while wave it around and say "Good
    show, old bean."
    42. "Is that sperm or a mudpack?"
    41. "You've got something stuck in your teeth."
    40. "4 out of 5 dentists say that's bad for your enamel."
    39. Go to the fridge, break open a cold one and pick up the remote.
    Point and click. Complain when they don't change positions.
    38. "You know, they say that three's a charm."
    37. Suggest your favorite position.
    36. Shine a flashlight on them and say, "This is a citizen's arrest,
    assume the position."
    35. "Bring in the Gimp."
    34. "Hold that pose."
    33. Sit up in your bed, bounce vigorously, clapping and squealing with joy.
    32. Start singing Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light."
    31. Sing "Shake your bootie."
    30. "A little to the left."
    29. "Is that a penis in your girlfriend or are you just happy to see me?"
    28. "Is there room for two in there?"
    27. "Two words: penis extension."
    26. Invite others in as a cheering section.
    25. Charge admission at the door.
    24. Make and hold up score cards.
    23. All of them should read 6.9.
    22. Whip out a pen a paper and take notes.
    21. "Maybe it would help if you..."
    20. "That's what you call erect?"
    19. "That reminds me of a joke I heard..."
    18. "Let the chicken go, he had nothing to do with it!"
    17. Hold up two bags and say, "Paper or plasic?"
    16. Roll over, grunt and say, "I'd rather be fishing."
    15. "Use the Heimlich; she's got something stuck in her throat."
    14. "May I cut in?"
    13. "That's illegal in Arkansas."
    12. "Holy whips and chains, Batman."
    11. Scream at the top of your lungs. If they ask what's wrong, explain
    that you thought you were having a nightmare.
    10. Take pictures. Explain that it was a Kodak moment.
    9. Recite quotes from Condom Month like "Pack your weaner before you bean
    her" and "Wrap your packer before you wack her."
    8. "MMM- that looks good, I think I'll try some, too."
    7. "Let's make a sandwich."
    6. "Is that hard enough for you?"
    5. "I'm going to the water fountain. Can I get you anything?"
    4. "I think you dropped something."
    3. "Do you like to eat at the Y?"
    2. Pick up your camcorder and say "How much do you think they would pay to
    see this on Pay-Per-View?"
    1. "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop??"

    90. ....Dating Dictionary

    ATTRACTION - the act of associating horniness with a particular

    LOVE AT 1st SIGHT - what occurs when two extremely horny, but not
    entirely choosy, people meet.

    DATING - the process of spending enormous amounts of money, time,
    and energy to get better acquainted with a person whom you don't
    especially like in the present and will learn to like a lot less
    in the future.

    BIRTH CONTROL - avoiding pregnancy through such tactics as
    swallowing special pills, inserting a diaphragm, using a condom, and dating
    repulsive men.

    EASY - a term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals
    of a man.

    EYE CONTACT - a method utilized by a single woman to communicate
    to a man that she is interested in him. Despite being advised to do so,
    many woman have difficulty looking a man directly in the eyes, not
    necessarily due to the shyness, but usually due to the fact that a
    woman's eyes are not located in her chest.

    FRIEND - a member of the opposite sex in your acquaintance who has
    some flaw which makes sleeping with him/her totally unappealing.

    INDIFFERENCE - a woman's feeling towards a man, which is
    interpreted by the man as "playing hard to get."

    INTERESTING - a word a man uses to describe a woman who lets him
    do all the talking.

    IRRITATING HABIT - what the endearing little qualities that
    initially attract people to each other turn into after a few months

    LAW OF RELATIVITY - how attractive a given person appears to be is
    directly proportionate to how unattractive your date is.

    NYMPHOMANIAC - a man's term for a woman who wants to have sex more
    often than he does.

    SOBER - condition in which it is almost impossible to fall in

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