Ikariku's Funny Library

!!!!! Notice !!!!!!

All the jokes i posted on the homepage is composed by someone else, not me..
I have no copyrights on those jokes.....
If u r the composer.... then sorry....
If u r just a reader... then enjoy....

  • 71. Engineer Traits

    You might be an engineer if...
    -If you introduce your wife as "mylady@home.wife"
    -If your spouse sends you an e-mail instead of calling you to dinner
    -If you can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie
    -If you want an 8X CDROM for Christmas
    -If Dilbert is your hero
    -If you stare at an orange juice container because it says CONCENTRATE
    -If you can name 6 Star Trek episodes
    -If the only jokes you receive are through e-mail
    -If your wrist watch has more computing power than a 486DX-50
    -If your idea of good interpersonal communication means getting the
    decimal point in the right place
    -If you look forward to Christmas only to put together the kids'toys
    -If you use a CAD package to design your son's Pine Wood Derby car
    -If you have used coat hangers and duct tape for something other than
    hanging coats and taping ducts
    -If, at Christmas, it goes without saying that you will be the one
    to find the burnt-out bulb in the string
    -If you window shop at Radio Shack
    -If your ideal evening consists of fast-forwarding through the
    latest sci-fi movie looking for technical inaccuracies
    -If you have "Dilbert" comics displayed anywhere in your work area
    -If you carry on a one-hour debate over the expected results of a
    test that actually takes five minutes to run
    -If you are convinced you can build a phazer out of your garage door
    opener and your camera's flash attachment
    -If you don't even know where the cover to your personal computer is
    -If you have modified your can-opener to be microprocessor driven
    -If you know the direction the water swirls when you flush
    -If you own "Official Star Trek" anything
    -If you have ever taken the back off your TV just to see what's inside
    -If a team of you and your co-workers have set out to modify the
    antenna on the radio in your work area for better reception
    -If you thought the concoction ET used to phone home was stupid
    -If you ever burned down the gymnasium with your Science Fair project
    -If you are currently gathering the components to build your own
    nuclear reactor
    -If you own one or more white short-sleeve dress shirts
    -If you have never backed-up your hard drive
    -If you are aware that computers are actually only good for playing
    games, but are afraid to say it out loud
    -If you truly believe aliens are living among us
    -If you have ever saved the power cord from a broken appliance
    -If you have ever purchased an electronic appliance "as-is"
    -If you see a good design and still have to change it
    -If the salespeople at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions
    -If you still own a slide rule and you know how to work it
    -If the thought that a CD could refer to finance or music never enters
    your mind
    -If you own a set of itty-bitty screw drivers, but you don't remember
    where they are
    -If you rotate your screen savers more frequently than your automobile
    -If you have a functioning home copier machine, but every toaster you
    own turns bread into charcoal
    -If you have more toys than your kids
    -If you need a checklist to turn on the TV
    -If you have introduced your kids by the wrong name
    -If your wife thinks your taste in ties is bizarre
    -If you have a habit of destroying things in order to see how they work
    -If your I.Q. number is bigger than your weight
    -If the microphone or visual aids at a meeting don't work and you rush
    up to the front to fix it
    -If you can remember 7 computer passwords but not your anniversary
    -If you have memorized the program schedule for the Discovery channel
    and have seen most of the shows already
    -If you have ever owned a calculator with no equal key and know what
    RPN stands for
    -If your father sat 2 inches in front of your family's first color TV
    with a magnifying lens to see how they made the colors, and you grew
    up thinking that was normal
    -If you know how to take the cover off of your computer, and what size
    screw driver to use
    -If you can type 70 words a minute but can't read your own handwriting
    -If people groan at the party when you pick out the music
    -If you can't remember where you parked your car for the 3rd time this
    -If people hound you for pocket protectors at Halloween time
    -If you did the sound system for your senior prom
    -If your checkbook always balances
    If your girlfriend says the way you dress is no reflection on her
    -If your wristwatch has more buttons than a telephone
    -If you have more friends on the Internet than in real life
    -If you thought the real heroes of "Apollo 13" were the mission
    -If you think your computer looks better without the cover
    -If you think that when people around you yawn, its because they
    didn't get enough sleep
    -If your wife hasn't the foggiest idea what you do at work
    -If you spend more on your home computer than your car
    -If you know what http:/ stands for
    -If you've ever tried to repair a $5.00 radio
    -If you have a neatly sorted collection of old bolts and nuts in your
    -If your favorite part of the 6 o clock news is comparing their latest
    satellite weather picture with yours
    -If your three year old son asks why the sky is blue and you try to
    explain atmospheric absorption theory
    -If your lap-top computer costs more than your car
    -If your 4 basic food groups are: 1.Caffeine 2.Fat 3.Sugar 4.Chocolate

    72. ¥¢·~­^¶¯

    ps.µo²y...fuck you..............................



    73. Åý®y

    ªü¹«±aµÛ¥L¤­·³¤jªº¨à¤l¤pÄQ, ­è§¤§¹¤½¨®¦^¨ì®a...
    ¡u¶ý¡v, ¤pÄQ¹ï¶ý¶ýªü¬Â»¡¡G¡u­è¤~§¤¤½¨®®É, ª¨ª¨¥s§Ú°_¨ÓÅý¦ìµ¹¤@­Ó«Ü
    ¡uª¨ª¨³o¼Ë¬O¹ïªº¡v, ªü¬Â»¡¡G¡u~³o¼Ë¬O±Ð§AÀ´±o§¸`, ¨k¤HÀ³¸Ó­nÅý®yµ¹

    74. ÆA¶§¤Ñ


    "³Þ!¤p¨ß¤l! §A©È¤£Å¼??"
    ¤p¨ß¤l·Q: "¬JµM¬O¨ì­¥¥~ª±ªº,·íµM¬O¤£¯à©Èżªº¤F!!"
    ©ó¬O©ó´N¦^µª¤j¶Âºµ: "¤£©È!!"
    ¤j¶Âºµ´N§â¤p¥Õ¨ß§ì°_¨Ó..... "À¿§¾ªÑ!!!!"

    75. ¨p³q


    76. ¥~¬P¤H°µ·R


    77. ®õ°ê¶RÄÑ¥]

    ''·F©p®Q ''...

    78. ¤ß¨x


    79. ....§A´N¦ºµ¹§Ú­Ì¬Ý!



    80. ....§C¯Å

    ¤@¤Ñ.... ¤p©ú.... ı±o¦Û¤v«Ü§C¯Å...... ©ó¬O°Ý¥LªB¤Í
    ¥LªB¤Í»¡.... §Ú«ç»òª¾¹D°Ú.... ¦^¥h°Ý§A¶ý°Ú
    ¤p©ú©ó¬O°Ý¥L¶ý»¡.... ¶ý.... §Ú«ç»ò·|³o¼Ë§C¯Å»¡
    ¥L¶ýÅ¥ªº«á»¡.... §A§O°Ý§Ú°Ú.... ·íªì.... ³Q±À­Ëªº¤H¬O§Ú°Ú


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