Internet Safety
We all know that the internet can be a fun and rewarding experience. There
are so many things to see, learn and enjoy. There are literally millions of people to meet and get to know.
Unfortunately, some of those people and sites are not safe. We just want to give everyone, kids and adults a few
safety tips to make your experience a little safer. If you know of any tips that are not
included in this page, please e-mail us and let us know so that we may include them.
Chatting and Corresponding
1. You shouldn't give your name, address or phone number to anyone. This is especially true for kids.
You really don't know who the person is that you are chatting or corresponding with.
2. If you are chatting and you're not an adult, you are safer picking a "handle" instead of using your real name.
You should also pick a "handle" that could be used by either sex and not telling people your age.
3. Kids - make sure that your parents know that you are chatting, where you're chatting, with whom you're chatting, and
what information you are giving people.
4. Parents - if you have a child that is chatting or corresponding with someone, set guidelines as to what information is and
is not allowed to be given out. Take a look at the place where your child is chatting and see what kind of conversations take place.
This can all be done, while still giving a child some space and some privacy.
5. Everyone should feel safe! If you are beginning to receive messages or email that you don't like, tell the person
that you are receiving them from that you do not like what they are saying. If this doesn't stop the unwanted
information do something about it. What can you do? If you are chatting, most chat houses have chat masters that you can e-mail and
let them know what is happening. You can cut and paste the messages that you are receiving and place them in the e-mail that you send to
the chat master. If you are receiving unwanted e-mail, then send an e-mail to the person's e-mail provider with the same information stated
above. These actions normally resolve the problem.
6. Many people send out e-mail and have their real names in the reply area. If you are using Netscape, you can change this option, and send out
e-mail that has your "handle" instead of your real name. If you're using another browser or e-mail service, ask them how you can go about having
a different name or handle placed in that area for your own safety.
Filling out Forms
1. Never include any information in a form that you fill out that gives people your e-mail or homepage password.
2. Never include your social security number, drivers lisence number, or credit card numbers.
3. If you are making a purchase on the internet that requires any of this information, make sure that you are using a form on a
secure site. If you are using Netscape, they have a feature where you see a key in the lower left hand corner. If the key is broken you are
not in a secure site. This means that any information that you submit can be intercepted by hackers or anyone else that has the knowledge to grab
the information.
4. Kids - make sure that your parents know that you are filling out forms and that they approve of the information that you are
providing on the forms.
5. Again, don't provide your address or phone number on forms that you fill out. Most forms include these questions as optional information,
when it's optional don't give it.
General Surfing
1. Adults shouldn't have any problems with general surfing. If you don't like what you're seeing, leave.
2. Don't download any applications from the internet that are from questionable sites. Places like Crescendo, Netscape, Microsoft and other popular place,
do have some "trial" software or shareware that you can download and these tend to be safe.
3. Kids - only surf where your parents have given you permission. There's a reason why they restrict your surfing area and you should listen to them.
If you come across a site that you aren't sure about TELL your parents.
4. Geocities in general, EnchantedForest and Heartland specifically, should be kid safe. There are two web rings that we have found to be safe. The Enchanted Forest Web ring and The Kidz Web Ring both are kidsafe. Our Web ring, The Ring of Enchantment is also kidsafe.
5. Parents, a good idea for younger children is to have a set of bookmarks that are especially their own, filled with great kids safe sites that you have screened.
Like we said if you have any more safety tips, please e-mail us.

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