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Please note practice is now on Sundays from 2:00-5:00.

Attendance Policy  We have addressed some new attendance policy's.  The girls can only have two unexcused absences.  At that point the cheerleader will be put on probation.  When and if they miss the third practice they will be removed from the squad.  Each cheerleader and parent will have to sign the form and return it to Coach Tammy.  When a child has an injury that is bad enought to miss a practice they have to have a doctors excuse.  If they have to show up at practice without it then that will count as an unexcused absence.

There are some tenative dates for practices before competitions.  Please be aware that they are mandatory.  They are being called for a reason.

Gym Fees  Please remember that all gym fees are due on the 15th.The box is always at practice and you can put your check in Kim's file.  Each week that you are late a $5.00 late fee will be assesed.

Screen Prints are in at Lambs-You can pick out a shirt and have our logo put on it.

Rules of being absent or tardy

  1. An excused absence-sick or an emergency in family (exp)-does not mean you have a headache or a sore toe.
  2. Unexcused absence-means you did not attend practice for any other reason than being sick.
  3. If you miss more than two unexcused practices then you will be removed from the squad.
  4. If you have to be late for practice or miss because you are sick you need to call a team mom or Coach Tammy and let someone know.  If you get a recorder leave a message.  This is your responsiblity, not your parents.
  5. If the problem arises that these rules are not being followed and is being taken advantage of then rules will be changed to a stricter level.
  6. If you arrive late for practice then you need to see the coach.
  7. Please go back and read the rules that are in your black folder.  Refresh your memory on all the rules and guidelines.
  8. If you don 't have a black folder see Coach Tammy.
  9. Mark sure you have read and signed your code of ethics and return to Coach Tammy.
  10. Attitudes and talking back to the coach or captians will cause you to get a demerit everytime you are called down at practice.  If this arises to be a problem we will have a meeting as to what will be done about the issue.  It is vital that you have respect for your teammates, coaches and captains.  This means that there is NO TALKING while stunts are in progress.
  11. No gum.  No jewelry.  Hair has to be pulled up.  You have to wear  your SCE shirt to every practice.  If you do not wear your shirt Coach Tammy will let you know what to do.  If this becomes a problem you will have to sit out the practice and that will be unexcused.




E-mail comments or calendar updates to Dessa Williamson