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Hi, Welcome to the Teddy Bear Webring. This Webring is meant for teddy bear lovers! If you love teddies and have a homepage why not join?

To join all you have to do if fill in this form. If your browser does not support forms please e-mail me with: site name, site url, name, e-mail, up to 20 keywords to describe your site, a short description of your site and a password. Don't worry about me seeing your password because I see it anyway!

After you fill in that form you will go into the queue. I will have a look at your site then send you the html code of the logo. You MUST have the logo on your page before you can be put in the ring! After you have put the logo on your page e-mail me and I'll add you to the ring. You will then get an e-mail telling you that your in and your id.

If you already belong to the Teddy Bear Webring and need to change your site info (url, description, keywords), you can fill in this form. All you need is your id and password.

If you've forgotten your password you can now fill in this form to get it back. All you need is you id.

Teddy Bear Webring

This Teddy Bear Webring
Site is owned by Your Name Here.

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Want to join the ring? Get the info.

Submit site to Teddy Bear Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Edit your site details in the Teddy Bear Webring
  • If you are already part of the Teddy Bear Webring, and need to edit your site info (url, description, keywords), please fill in this form with your site id and password
  • Site ID:

If you have forgotten your password fill in this form with your site id and I'll send you your password.
Enter your site ID here:

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