Games I Play
Here are the games which I'm currently playing...
hottest game for me at the moment. The English version finally
arrived and I bought my copy on 20 Sep 97. Been playing ever
since. It runs on the PlayStation console and comes in 3 CDs.
The game's strongest point would probably be the graphics, the
standard of which far surpass all console RPG games, PS or
otherwise. The background and characters are rendered beautifully
in 3D and scattered in the game are numerous movie sequence which
are not found in other RPG games so far. Another big plus point
would be many impressive moves that characters could execute in
battle, including the new 'limit' feature. This move, unique to
each character, allows them to perform some visually stunning
(and very damaging) attacks - but you don't get this option until
your character have received a lot of damage.
FF7 boasts a
complex storyline (yes, more complex then that in FF3). It starts
with you, an ex SOLDIER (an elite paramilitary body) trying to
battle your former employer, the Shinra Inc. (The Shinra is a
super powerful corporation that has taken over as the governing
body of the world. It is ruthless, compassionless, militaristic
and very environmentally unfriendly.) In the game, you find many
companions even as the story wanders into more exotic themes. Its
easy to lose track of the story and the translation is far from
perfect at times.
Another real time
strategy game. Supports multi players and currently very popular,
judging by the number of websites devoted to it.
You take the side of either the Freedom Guards or the Imperium.
Each sides have very unique units (and hence battle strategy) It
is a rather fast paced game and you can get thoroughly trashed by
the com before you know what happen. I haven't got the hang of
this game, with most of my time occupied by FF7 and are currently
stuck at level 5.
Perhaps I'm just weak
... but I gave up on this game just after completing 4 stages.
The most challenging real-time strategy game for me so far.
One must master numerous aspect of colony management before he
can even think about warfare. Fact is, war making seemed to be of
secondary importance in this game and that does not go down well
with me.
Here is a new game which I'm trying out. Ppl who are
AD&D inclined might find it especially fun. Based on the TSR
Campaign Setting Birthright, the game consist of three
main aspects : Kingdom management, Field Battles and Adventuring.
I fare OK on the first two but am utterly inept on the
adventuring part. Pretty complicated, what with diplomacy,
holdings, investitures ... rough going for someone not accustomed
to the Birthright Campaign.
Now this is a
really kewl game! it didn't last long, with only 20 stages but
what a concept! You are playing as some evil entity controlling a
dungeon and all its monstrous inhabitants. Goody-goody
adventurers soon came creeping in and you get immense fun kicking
their ass. Talk about reverse of roles! There are more things you
can do to enemies they any other games. Besides killing you can
torture, starve or sacrifice them to some dark god. Very
enjoyable at first but starts getting frustrating at the last 5
levels where the good guys gets ridiculously powerful. There are,
however, numerous sites on the www about Dkeeper, offering
everything from monster profile to cheats. Here's a link to one of the more
comprehensive ones.
Two features of this game
which I find irresistible ... Space Simulation and
Multiplayer support! You get to dogfight human opponents in space
and blow them away! Multiplaying matchmaking is provided by the
Internet Gaming Zone. (To join, you gotta download some programs
and fill up a form. Troublesome but its free.) Alternatively,
some ppl choose to challenge each other in IRC. (Someone hosts a
game and tells the other players his IP address via IRC)
The popularity of TvX had spawned
numerous Squadrons and Leagues on the web, much like the Clans in
Diablo. The members of these groups sometimes fight each other in
Squadron wars. It's all very kewl.
Well, I'm a member of Rogue Squadron of the Last Starfighter
League! Click on the logos to go to their respective homepages at
Here are links to other Xwing vs Tie related Websites.
I played Heroes of Might and
Magic 2 (HOMAM2 to some) from February this year all the way till
July, making it the longest lasting game of the year! I played
its prequel Heroes of Might and Magic last year and its ancestor Kings
Bounty all the way back in 1992 on the Sega Genesis.
HOMAM2 is basically an old fashioned turn-based strategic game
where you get to control some 40+ types of fantastic troops types
in battle. Troop types ranges from Peasants all the way to
Dragons, making for really chaotic and magically warfare. Besides
using tactics on the battlefield, a player also have to manage
resources, build up armies and explore unrevealed portions of the
world. The graphics on the adventuring screen are super-detailed
and beautifully animated, with great music and background sounds.
HOMAM2 comes with 2 campaigns of some 10 scenarios each and a
host of other stand alone scenarios. The Expansion Pak, The
Price of Loyalty provides another 4 campaigns and numerous
other stand alone scenarios. All these comes to weeks (and
possibility months) of gameplay. However, what makes gives the
game virtual endless replayability is the fact that the game
comes with a Map Editor where anyone could create a scenario (or
Map) for others to play.
Needless to say, the web is now saturated with HOMAM2 maps of
varying quality made by many would-be map-makers. (BTW, I created
this map based on the NIMH world! In the unlikely event that you
are a NIMH fan and plays HOMAM2, please test out my Thorn Valley
scenario!) Here are some links to cool HOMAM2 websites.
Other games which I used to play...
Earthsiege 2
Mechwarrior 2
MW2 Mercenaries
Civilization 2
Descent 2
Master of Orion 2
Privateer 2
Updated on 08 Oct 97