Here are some links that you might find useful.
Well, they are useful to me anyway...

GeoCities Members' Utilities Page

Hotmail - Free email addresses, accessed with a brower.

Singnet Homepage - My ISP.

These are Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Pages...

Astral Wizard's Heroes of Might and Magic Page - The HOMAM2 Page! Been around for a long time. Very Comprehensive. Updated every few days.

The Serpent's Lair - Another nice HOMAM2 Page. Frequently Updated.

The Art of War - Not much in terms of graphics but rivals (or exceeds) the Astral Wizard's in terms of info, maps and data.

Xwing vs Tiefighter Links!

The Last Star Fighter League Main Page - I'm part of this League!

11th Rebel FS : Rogue Squadron at LSF - My squadron! I'm currently its newest (and probably most incompetent pilot :)

Case's Gaming Ladder (Xwing vs Tie) - A ranking system for those who play XvT. Gee, I've rose to #190 without beating anyone recently. Go figure.

Internet Gaming Zone - The IGZ had gone through some renovations. Here is the updated link to the XvT room. Also needed : Zone Software, IGZ account and minimum of MSIE 3.02


Chee Kan's Domain - My friend's homepage! He too has an interest in animation but more towards anime.

Snesmerism Inc - Emulators and roms for the SNES available here!

Crescendo - Midi Player for websites by LiveUpdate.



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