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It was the the year 2000. With Ristek Fasilkom, I was a member of the team that develop the Academic Information System (Sistem Informasi Akademik) for the Faculty of Economics. It consists of several modules:

  • Students
  • Alumni
  • Staff
  • Curriculum
  • Test Bank
  • Evaluation

The system was implemented as a client/server system with a Java applet as the thick client and PostgreSQL as the database server. My assignment was to develop the Test Bank and Curriculum modules. The Test Bank module stores and retrieves mid-term and final-term tests; while the Curriculum module manages course data.

Curriculum Module

This module allows the user to browse and modify course data.

Browse Courses

From the above list of courses, the user may add, edit, or delete a course. The modification of course data is done through the following screen:

Edit Course

From this editing screen, a note about the corresponding course can also be added.

Edit Course Notes

Besides modifying course data, this module can also provide a report about a course. The report is an HTML document which can be saved and later printed.

Report Course

Test Bank Module

This module allows the user to browse, search, edit, and generate test sheets.

Browse Tests

Test Bank data editing is done through the following screen:

Edit Test

The report for the usage of each test is an HTML document which can be saved for later uses. It has the following form:

Report Test

The tests in the Test Bank can be generated as a test sheet with the following form:

Generate Test


The reports of the Curriculum and Test Bank module, complete with the flow of the user interface is available for download (172K). It is formatted in Visio 5 and Word 97.

Copyright © Sasmito Adibowo, 1997-2002.
Last update on January 12, 2002.