![]() Displays and renders 3D polygon meshes in either wireframe, flat, Gouraud or Phong modes. The program takes input in a text file containing a series of objects specifying the 3D world to display. The primary object type is the polygon mesh which are bound to a coordinate system and can be transformed using solid-state stransformations (that does not change the shape of the object: rotation and translation) which light objects shine on them and finally projected onto the viewport. It originates as a series of assignments in computer graphics course. The course was to gradually implement 3D rendering incrementally, from wireframe, flat (constant- illumination), to Gouraud, and Phong models. Now I release the program with full source code, licensed with the Gnu GPL so that it can benefit other students studying computer graphics and so that the program can be improved and extended.
The program can be run as an applet or as an application. The applet can only load files which are specified in the HTML file as PARAM tags. While the application can load any metafile located on the local system. It uses the Jama matrix library Copyright(C) The MathWorks and The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Jama is available at http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama/ The source code, prepackage binary and full javadoc documentation is available for download.
Copyright © Sasmito Adibowo, 1997-2001. Last update on July 22, 2001. |