
Name: Gerallt Aled Owen
Age: 26
Nationality: British
Resident: New York City


World Cross Country Participant
National Junior cross country and 1500m champion
Competed for British Junior National track & field and cross country teams
Chase Corporate Challenge Champion - New York
Finished top 4 in last 50 races


Super Runners Shop, New York City

Personal Bests

800m : 1.51
1500m : 3.43
3000m : 8.02
5000m : 14.10
10000m : 29.50(Road)

Typical Training Week

AM: 4 miles
PM: 6 X 1 mile in 4.45 with 3 min recovery

AM: 4 miles
PM: 9 miles/Weights

AM: 4 miles
PM: 12 X 400m in 62sec with 1 min recovery

AM: 4 miles
PM: 8 miles/Weights

AM: 4 miles
PM: 8 miles


AM: 14 miles


My immediate goal is to get faster, stronger and more competitive against quality runners. My long-term goal is to qualify in the 5000m for major championships, beginning with the 1998 Commonwealth Games. I have not competed on the track for two years, therefore, with the proper training I feel some of my times are ready to be destroyed! Over the next 12 months I plan on doing the proper training. Time wise I intend on running below 13 minutes and 40 seconds for 5000m, below 8 minutes for 3000m and below 3 minutes and 40 seconds for 1500m in the 1998 track season. Watch out for me, the best is yet to come!

| Aqua Training | Diet and Nutrition | Heart Rate Monitors | Hot Weather Running |
| Improving Speed | Injuries | Interval Running | Links to Other Running Sites |
| Planning a Training Schedule | Racing Tactics | Repetition Running | Strength Training |
| Stretching | Time Trials | Training Log |