Many top athletes, in all sports, participate in what is known as aqua training as a means of recovering or avoiding injuries. Aqua training is a great way to recover from an injury without loosing fitness and by preventing one through reducing the amount of mileage run on hard surfaces. Running in water can also help with improving your running form. The most popular form of aqua training devices amongst runners is the aquajogger. Made from EVA foam and in the shape of a belt, this device straps around your waist. When emerging into the water the aquajogger keeps the body afloat, thus allowing the athlete to perform a running motion without stress to the injury. Since the density of water is greater than air it allows a balanced resistance that is the same on all sides. Therefore, the athlete can simulate a running motion that can improve or maintain fitness level. Other aqua training devices used for running in deep water include a wet vest, aquarunners which are placed on a person's feet, and hand held dumbbells. All are made from the same EVA foam material that gives the athlete buoyancy when in the water.
When suspended in the water, stress is decreased on all parts of the body. As a result, the arms and legs can move more freely and with equal resistance, which enables opposing muscles to work equally. Running in water can help increase an athlete's range of motion. Due to no impact, the injured athlete can train in the water and remain fit while his or her injury heals. Running in water is an ideal way of recovering from injuries such as stress fractures, shin splints, knee, ankle or muscular pains. The uninjured athlete can also benefit from this form of training by performing resistance and technique work without fear of injury. Cardiovascularly, the runner can achieve the same workout in the water as on the roads except without the pounding of running on hard surfaces. An injured runner who wishes to run 10 miles at 6 minutes pace would run up and down the deep end length of the pool with the same amount of effort as he or she would running on other surfaces. Needless to say, the same rules apply for speed training using the aquajogger in the water.