Gerallt Aled Owen's Training Log
The advantages of writing a training log are numerous and are explained in my section titled Training Log. From the point of view of the reader, my training log will give an insight of how to set goals,the work involved to achieve those goals, and the ways I hope to achieve them. You will share the ups and downs of a serious runner, and hopefully the joys of success. In addition, the reader will learn how to write and use a running log for his or her own purpose. I hope the reader will also enjoy my writings and follow my progress throughout the season. Before my running log begins, I have written paragraphs on background, assessment, and goals. Background gives a brief outline and explanation of where I'm at with regards to my fitness level and condition before I begin my program. Assessment explains points of interest that can affect my training, or simply thoughts about why I believe I am running good or bad as the case may be. This section, which I will bring up every now and then throughout my log, tries to explain outside influences on my running. Goals simply explain my running targets and aims for the upcoming season.
After competing on a four-year track scholarship at the University of South Florida, I moved to New York to pursue my career goal of being a Stockbroker on Wall Street. Due to the nature and the long hours of the work, I stopped seriously running for 14 months. A change in jobs and the passing of my professional exams freed some time and allowed me to start running again. A year later I was running 50-60 miles per week, one workout every ten days, and racing once every six weeks. My best race during this time was probably a 14.31 for 5k on the roads, which I won. At that time I decided I wanted to return to the track, so increased my mileage and began working out once a week. When winter rolled around I ran my best 10k time: 29.50 on the roads - a hilly course and a sprint finish. Indoors came, ran three disappointing 3000m races(8.42,8.22,8.29) followed by an injury and one outdoor 5000m three months later in 14.10. For no apparent reason I haven't raced on the track since. That was in 1995. I have raced many times on the roads, won lots of races and increased my mileage to 70-90. Over the summer I started working out on the track once a week with two of my friends, and have shown instances where 13.40 for 5000m is well in my reach. However, I still remained a 50-60 hour working week which I feel is not conducive to running those times. Last day of August I quit work to travel and relax for a month before starting graduate school at the University of Edinburgh. I now feel committed and ready to balance school with running and achieve my goal of running sub 13.40 for 5000m.
I feel fresh and eager to get started on my running program after not exercising at all in the month of September. The reasons are twofold: Firstly, I have been travelling for most of the month after working continuously for three years and find it hard to train when on holiday. Secondly, I was in an accident while on holiday and was told by the doctor not to exercise for at least two weeks. The results are that my appetite for running has increased and I feel ready to start the program from scratch with a fresh and optimistic approach.
- (1) Run Sub 13.40 for 5000m
- (2) Make Commonwealth 5000m Team
- (3) Gain GB International Caps
- (4) Represent GB Universities Team
October 1997 - Building a Base
1 October 1997 - Wednesday
AM: 8.5 miles easy run. Legs felt stiff from previous day's hilly run. Stiffness eased as run progressed though. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - windy but mild.
PM: 6 miles at a relaxed pace. Legs still stiff and tired. Happy to finish run! Colapsed on the bed afterwards in much need of some food and energy! Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - windy but mild.
2 October 1997 - Thursday>
AM: 8.5 miles easy run. Again legs feeling stiff and tired. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - windy and mild.
PM: 6 miles easy. Legs feeling heavy and tired. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - very windy and cold.
3 October 1997 - Friday
PM: 13.5 miles relaxed run. Felt much better today - smooth and strong throughout the run. Happy. Mostly grass, some hills. Weather - very windy but mild.
4 October 1997 - Saturday
AM: 10 miles easy run. Felt moderately good. Relaxed but a little heavy legged and tired towards end of run. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - windy and mild.
PM: 5 miles easy run. Felt relaxed and pretty easy. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - windy and mild.
Weekly Mileage=72
5 October 1997 - Sunday
AM: 15 miles easy run. Felt smooth and relaxed. Grass run, all flat. Weather - mild.
6 October 1997 - Monday
AM: 8.5 miles easy run. Easy but legs felt heavy. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
PM: 6 miles relaxed run. Felt strong. Grass run, flat. Weather - windy and mild.
7 October 1997 - Tuesday
AM: 8.5 miles easy run. A little sluggish this morning, couldn't wake-up properly. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cooler and breezy.
PM: 6 miles easy run. Still a little sluggish. Road run, mostly flat. Weather - windy and mild.
8 October 1997 - Wednesday
AM: 8.5 miles easy run. Relaxed and smooth today. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild. The way I feel seems to alter rapidly from day to day. Probably because I took most of September off and I'm making a big jump in mileage. I'm only running this kind of mileage because of a steady summer, apart from last month, I'm looking for a solid base and because I feel that I can handle it, especially if I do most of the runs on grass.
PM: 6 miles brisk run. Felt in control, smooth and relaxed. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - some rain but mild.
9 October 1997 - Thursday
AM:6 miles steady. Felt good. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
PM:9 miles easy. Felt good. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
10 October 1997 - Friday
AM:9 miles easy. Felt tired. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild and windy.
PM:5.5 miles steady. Felt better than this morning. Got into a nice rythm as run progressed. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
11 October 1997 - Saturday
AM:11 miles easy. Shins playing up a little in middle of run. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold.
PM:4.5 miles very easy. Felt relaxed. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold.
Weekly Mileage=103.5
12 October 1997 - Sunday
PM:15 miles slow. Shins hurting towards end of run, couldn't seem to get warmed up at all. Grass and road run,hilly. Weather - cold.
13 October 1997 - Monday
AM:8.5 miles easy. Felt OK. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold.
PM:5.5 miles steady. Felt good. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold.
14 October 1997 - Tuesday
AM: 9 miles easy. Felt good. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold and windy.
PM:5.5 miles steady. Felt relaxed. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - cold.
15 October 1997 - Wednesday
AM:8.5 easy run. Felt great. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild and windy.
PM:6 miles steady. Felt strong. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild and windy.
16 October 1997 - Thursday
PM:13.5 miles comfortable run. Felt good. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
17 October 1997 - Friday
AM:7.5 miles relaxed. Felt strong. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild and windy.
PM:7 miles brisk. Felt good, smooth and in control. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
18 October 1997 - Saturday
AM:9.5 miles easy. Felt tired but relaxed. Grass run, lots of hills. Weather - mild.
PM:5 miles comfortable pace. Felt pretty strong. Grass run, mostly flat. Weather - mild.
Weekly Mileage=100.5
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| Improving Speed | Injuries | Interval Running | Planning a Training Schedule | Racing Tactics |
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