Hey all sk8ers now is your chance to show your self.this page is like a mag.U know where all the subscribers send in there stories of them and their crew skating the city streets or how some of u feel about certain things having to do with aggress.Just about everything i get i will put up for all our fellow skaters to see.again i don't care if its a story,idea,promoting products,product reviews,yearly reviews, or just saying whats up.LATER.
© 1997 arlo427@aol.com
as much as i hate it when skateboarders dog on aggrosk8rs i hate it even more when a sk8r dogs on another sk8r it really pisses me off. i hate it when one guy pulls a dope trick and the next guy is like damn he sux it really pisses me off what makes it worse is that the guy saying it cant even do the trick. he says that hoping it will make him look better. i hate that. all i want you to think about is that when a sk8r dogs on someones skills i want you to tell him to pull it better or to shut the hell up.
How long have you been skating?about a year
How did u get into skating?uhh watching tv and my older brother mike was a major influence on me. Mad props to him, even though he doesn't skate anymore.
What were your first pair of skates?lightnings, but now i got the scott bentaly's
Who are yourt favorite skaters?roadhouse and Eric Schrijn
Who do u skate with? mostly stephen diegelmann and jeff
Where do u usally skate?ah...out of all the shitty places to skate aound here, st. edwards, buford, bellgrade and robious
What are some goals for you for skatin?I don't know... i want to be am. at about 16 in about a year
What do you think are the smoothest tricks out there? um....monkey plants and corkscrews are phat, and the smoothest grinds are souls and uh.... unities...and backslides are pretty cool too.
What do you think of the skate scene here? It sucks dick. There aren't any good placest to skate around here, and the shitty places we DO skate at, we get kicked out of in like ten minutes anyway. I love skating in Va. Beach though. mad shit there.
What is your point of view on skateboarders? I have a lot of respect for them and their sport. I'm just sick and tired of them thinkin' that they are badasses and can talk shit all the time. The skateboarders that I know are pretty cool, I'm friends with all the cool ones.
What do you think is wrong w/ our sport? Damn...I have to think about this one. I think people take the sport way too seriously, I think you should just have fun with it. Fun should be the main thing.
Where do you think the sport is going? I think it is just beginning now.... really young. It's really exploding and I think it's going to be around for a while.
Ok, enough of the hard questions...do you do anything on the side? yeah, I snowboard, pimp, go to parties, and I like to dress up in a tight leather suit and have tea-parties.
Don't we all know that. Dude! don't put that in there! it'll be dumb. I'll kick your ass....or..try.
Anyway... what kind of music do you listen to? The Doors, Bob Marley, Hendrix, Sublime, Wu Tang and Steve Miller.
How bout the girls skaters?ahh, its to easy for them to get sponsered... its cool that they skate and all but it should be more of a challange for them to get sponsered. except for fabolia, katy brown, and jasmine prez.
Any closing thoughts before i go?*burp*
DS: So how long have you been skating?
JJ: About a year and a half. I started December of '97.
DS: How old are you?
JJ: I am 14.
DS: What is your setup
JJ: I ride Fifth Elements, Kryptonic Alabama wheels, and CDS grease grindplates. ( He later added that his skates kick ass.)
DS: Are you sponsored?
JJ: I skate for a local skate shop, S.K.A.T.E.S., Sudden Kill At The Evening Star.
DS: What are your favorite tricks? What is your best?
JJ: Kind grind, alley-oop mackio, true-spin mizou, pornstar, alley-oop soul, unity, farvenugen, and my best trick is probably a alley-oop phisbrain.
DS: Where are you located?
JJ: In this chair.
DS: No I meen where do you live?
JJ: Near Dallas, Texas the most pimped place to skate in south.
DS: Cool, well man I know you got to bail.
JJ: Yeah, me and my friends are fixing to go out and session.later.
My name is jason Francom and i live in okinawa japan i have for the last eight years
recently the new base comander had passed this new law about you having to wear a helment
Its not a bad idea for safety but i usally prefer not to not for any paticular reason i just dont they are also now giving tickets when and if they do catch you
it just pisses me off i guess they already have all these signs up saying no skating but now they make it as uncomfortable as it gets
i guess i'm just wondering if any one has any persuasive ideas of how i can ask the base comander if he can put at least a age restriction on it
Hey, this is Abe. I'm 20 and just moved to the Richmond, VA area. Whoever's reading this, and would like to join skating, or would like to share places to skate, then send me an email at agillespie@truland.com
. See ya on an edge.
One thing that irrates me the most about aggressive skating is theharrasment we get from almost all skateboarders. I mean i have only beenout skating like 10 times without being called poser or skate fag. I thinkskateboarding is cool but i like to aggressive skate. I use to skateboardbut i just wasn't good, but on the other hand i wasn't harrased whenskateboarding. I know a lot of skateboarders don't make fun of aggressivesk8ters but the ones who do it needs to stop i can't stand it anymore. Ihave respect for all sports,including skatboarding. I also want to say thatall those aggressive sk8ters out there that make fun of all recreation,andhockey sk8ters are only making things worse, people who do that kind ofskating like it and do it for the fun of it so leave them alone. Anotherstrong point is the way both aggressive sk8ters and skateboarders aretreated by people. I know it's half our fault because we are just born todo fucked up things. I've seen people that just completely hate sk8ters andthink that our sports are for pussies and that is what makes us do thosefucked up things isn't it. Thanks for listening and hopefully this all wilchange for the better in the future.
Matt Swieczkowski
"Keep It Real"
Hey hows it going i just want to say that of all the skating hompages yoursis the best. All those begginers keep practicing. I just want to adressthe fact that inline and all other extreme sports are better than all therest because we don't sell or selves i know that there are sponsers i amsponsered myself so i know what i'm talking about. Infootball,baseball,basketball,golf whatever they only play for the bills andthat isn't whats important almost anysport that has players or a team isonly for money and that is what makes all extreme sports the best. I'm notrying to offend anyone but common it's like puff dady says it's all aboutthe bejamins.
Matt Swieczkowski
"Keep It Real"
© 1997 arlo427@aol.com