World of Running
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In World of Running, you'll learn about basic training programs and different aspects of running. I have enjoyed running for the past 8 years and learned many lessons. I had great seasons where I dropped my time by minutes and became the third fastest runner in the league my freshman year. I also had years when my time kept on getting worse no matter how hard I tried. I have been through many injuries and there was a time where I left the team because of it. I came back to running after all these troubles because I know that running is the best sport in the world (as far as I am concerned). Through this site I'll try to communicate my experience with running and I hope you'll gain a few insights from it. In addition, I hope to learn more about running myself so do write to me if you have any comments or insights to offer.

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This page is last modified on July 22, 1997

by Lpage
This Running Ring Webring site is owned by Me

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