Road Kill Runners and Multi-sport Team
Come to this page if you are interested in RUNNING in general or if you would like to follow our progress throughout the season.
Currently, the majority of our members are involved in running and/or walking to stay in shape competively or for the "health of it"! Our goal is to encourage members to experience the benefits of both running and walking. Part of that experience should be to enter races or other events to challenge or test one's limits!
Most of Road Kill's RUNNING races involve the Ohio River Road Runners Club. Our team is part of the 17 teams that compete against each other once a month beginning in January through October.
Use the menu below (just click the highlighted phrase) to go to your item of interest today.
January 10 (Sunday) - Wright Patterson AFB 8 km (5 miles) - at WrightField Fitness Center - 2:00 PM |
February 7 (Sunday) - Frostbite "5" (5 Mile Race) - at Centervill H.S. - 2:00 PM |
March 13 (Saturday) - St. Patrick's 5K (3.1 Mile Race) - at Armco Recreation Park - 10:00 AM |
April 25 (Sunday) - Kettering Journey for Sight 10K (6.2 Mile Race) - at Kettering Lincoln Park - 1:30 PM |
May 16 (Sunday) - Van Atta 5k (3.1 Mile Race) - at Vandalia Van Atta Park - 1:30 PM | June 26 (Saturday) - Independence Day 5K Run (3.1 Mile Race) - at Huber Heights Cloud Park - 9:00 AM |
July 21 (Wednesday) - Englewood 5K (3.1 Mile Race) - at Englewood Reserve - 7:00 PM |
August 8 (Sunday) - Crazy "8" (8 Mile Race) - at Eastwood Park - 8:00 AM |
September 25 (Saturday) - Germantown Country Classic 17K (10.5 miles) - at TBA - 8:00 AM |
October 24 (Saturday) - Heatherwood Hole in One 5K Race - @ Springboro Hwood Golf Course - 8:00 AM |
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