Couch Potato Fantasy Football League

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Home Getting Started Player Moves Scoring Standings Weekly Results Rosters Lineups E-Mail Commish




League Format
Team Name
The Draft
Weekly Lineup
Adding Players
Trading Players
Waiving Players
Injured Reserve
QB Scoring
RB Scoring
WR/TE Scoring
K Scoring
D/SpTm Scoring


    Player Moves


Now that you have purchased your franchise and drafted your team you will find that from time to time you will need to make changes to your roster.  Draft and hold means draft and fold.  Trades and free agent movement make the league more fun and the money pot bigger.  You will be charged for player movement, this makes it more interesting.  Fees for player movement are due prior to the first week of the playoffs.

The preferred method of contacting the commissioner is by E-Mail



In the event you agree to the trading of a player(s) with another owner(s) you will be charged $2.00.  There is no additional charge for multi player/ multi owner trades.  No trade is official until it has been reported to the commisioner.  Once the trade has been reported to the commisioner you will be charged the $2.00 fee and the trade becomes final.  It is up to you to make sure you get value, and be sure to watch for injury reports.  The commissioner may veto a trade if it is meant to help one team at the expense of another.  If a trade is vetoed an owner has 48 hours to call for a majority vote in an attempt to overturn the veto.


Waiving Players

You may waive a player at any time during the season.   Simply notify the commissioner of your intention to waive the player, along with the name of the player you wish to add.  You will be charged $2.00 for adding the new player.  You must have a full roster at all times.  Waived players will be posted to the site on Tuesday evenings. Waived players are eligible to be picked up by other teams at 10 am on Wednesday.  If you report a player as being waived and decide that you want him back, you must wait for the 10 am add time just like everyone else.


Injured Reserve

You are provided one injured reserve (IR) spot on your roster (spot #17), you may use this spot to retain an injured player but not keep them on your active roster.  You may place a player on IR if he is listed as no better than Questionable by his team on the day prior to his teams game.  The charge for moving a player to IR is $2.00.  Simply notify the commissioner of your intention to place the player on IR, along with the name of the player you wish to add into the players vacacnt active roster spot.  You will be charged $2.00 for adding the new player.  You must have a full roster at all times.  The player placed on IR must either be waived or added back to your active roster prior to any game in which his team lists his status as Probable or better.  Failure to do so will result in the player being considered waived and thus subject to the rules of waived players.  When returning a player from IR to the active roster a player on the active roster must be waived.  You will not be charged for removing a player from the IR spot.


Free Agency

You may add a free agent player to your roster at any point up to game time.  Adding waived players is governed as outlined above.  You will be charged $2.00 for each player you add.  Simply notify the commissioner of your intention to add the player, along with the name of the player you wish to waive/move to IR.  You must have a full roster at all times.  Requests for adding players should be submitted by E-Mail to the commissioner whenever possible.  This will help to resolve disputes between owners regarding who requested a player first.  The E-Mail will provide a time and date stamp which will be used to resolve these issues.   You may not add players directly to your IR spot.  An injured player you wish to add must first be added to your active roster and then moved to IR.  





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