Selina- Our Cat

Our family cat is named Selina. "At least they have one normal pet" says all of our friends. She is a calico with tan, brown and black markings. Her one leg is black all the way down to her white paw, while the other one stops about midway. She looks like her sleeve is rolled up.

She is definitely a "people cat" . Where ever we go she follows right along curious about what is going on around her. I've owned one other cat and she hid more than anything else, especially when other people were around, but not Selina she is very friendly. Gina brought her home back in June of 1997. She was about 6 weeks old, she is now going on ten months old but she is just as playful. We've had her de-clawed and spayed with no effect on her personality.

Among the funnier things she does is "batting" at us as we walk up or down the stairs leading to our bedroom. There is a railing surrounding the stairwell. She likes to stay at the top of the stairwell, stick her paws through the rungs of the railing and bat at our heads as we walk past her. She can NEVER resist this temptation.

Mice drive her crazy too. Whenever I feed Bernard or Zorak, she tries to jump into the cage with them. She doesn't understand why these other animals get mice and she doesn't. Gina will buy her little play mice and she will carry them around in her mouth and eventually shred them.

Selina is an indoor cat and for the most part that is okay for her. Though at times, she will dart out of the front door and just sit there like she doesn't know what to do next now that she is out. When we do take her out like on car rides or just to sit on our front porch, she hates it! She will do everything in her power to get away. After these such episodes, being an inside cat sounds pretty darn good to her.