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Alice Springs Marathon & Half Marathon

6 am Sunday 20 August 2000

sponsored by

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The Alice Springs Running and Walking Club invites you to participate in the TIO Alice Springs Marathon and Half Marathon.

The climate in August is normally fine and calm with little chance of rain. The average August temperature at 6am is about 40 C rising to 190 C by 9 am with low humidity.

August is an ideal time of year to visit central Australia so, if you can spare the time, try to take in some of the nearby scenic attractions after the event.

star.gif (456 bytes)PRE RACE FUNCTION

Enjoy a high carbohydrate meal with Running and Walking Club members at the Pasta Party on Friday 18 August at 7 pm. You will be warmly received and have the opportunity to meet other competitors and some of the many volunteers.

star.gif (456 bytes)THE EVENT

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The Marathon course begins and ends at the Araluen Art Centre on Larapinta Drive, approx. 2 km west of the Alice Springs Post Office. The course is mostly flat to undulating and mainly through pleasant scenery adjacent to town. Competitors are advised that roads will not be closed.

Note: Marathon entrants must be 18+ years.

Time limit – 5 hours

The Half Marathon will commence at 7 am from the 21.1 km mark. Entrants in this event should be at the Araluen Marathon start by 6 am if they wish to be transported to the start of the Half.

Encouragement, along with water, vaseline and tissues, will be provided at drink stations at 3 km intervals. Runners with their own drinks should deliver them to the start line 30 minutes before the event, marked with their race number and the kilometre mark. Race numbers will be posted to early entrants or will be available at the Pasta Night.


star.gif (456 bytes)PRIZES AND AWARDS

All Marathon finishers will receive a distinctive Trophy, Finish Photo, Certificate and Results. Participants who complete at least the Half Marathon distance will receive a Medallion, Finish Photo, Certificate and Results.


star.gif (456 bytes)POST RACE FUNCTION

A presentation lunch will be held on race day at 1pm at Settlers Function rooms, Palm Circuit. Entry fee includes lunch for competitors. Accompanying adults $15.


star.gif (456 bytes)RACE RECORDS

Open Male 2.26.11 John Bell ACT
Open Female 3.15.22 Kristina Wellington NT
Veteran Male 2.28.20 Adrian Wellington NT
Veteran Female 3.24.29 Kristina Wellington NT


star.gif (456 bytes)ENTRY FORMS AND COST

Entries must be received by 7 August 1999. $AUD40 entry fee includes presentation lunch. ASR&W Club members receive a $5 discount if paid by the August 7 deadline. Click here for an entry form in MSWord97 format(.doc), or here if you would like a form to be posted to you.

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