Personal Information |
Name: Arthur de Almeida Rodrigues
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Home Address: H8B 232 CTA - Sao Jose dos Campos, SP - Brazil
Home Phone: 0 55 12 39477882
Mobile Phone: 0 55 41 96016899
Academic Formation
Conclusion: Dec/2007 Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica - ITA
Computer Engineering
The course is well-balanced between software and hardware areas, therefore the student has acquired deep and complete academic knowledge in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture and Electronics. Some of the focus areas on the course are: Artificial Intelligence, Compilers, Computer Network Architectures, Operational Systems and Object-Oriented Programming.
[ Since Aug/2004 ] Poliedro
Assistant Professor
Work as an assistant professor on mathematics and physics for high-school and prep-courses classes. Has given a great opportunity to develop team-work skills and inter-personal communication skills.
[ Jan to Aug/2005 ] Quark Science Club
Project Monitor
Worked as a monitor on the development of a low-cost meteorological baloon with high-school pupils. The project earned several prizes including a publication in the Physics Teacher Magazine.
[ Since Jan/2007 ] Deltacore Technologies
Software Developer
Worked on the development of a complex system for distributed computation called MDE exclusively developed for Embraer – Brazilian Aeronautics Company. Usage of CORBA, MySQL and SWT technologies was required.
[ Since Jan/2005 ] CasdVest
Recruiting Team Member
Work as member and often the leader of the volunteers and professors recruiting team for this assistencilist prep-course created for students in the economic low class.
[ Aug 2004 to Dec 2005] IAE - CTA
Scientific Initiation
Developed a project on computer science and numerical calculus for devising statistical methods to fit an logarithmic function to the wind profile data of the last decade over the Alcantara Rocket Launching Base in Maranhão – Brasil, over the intention to discover the best month for this activity. The project dealt with data mining, filtering, non-linear fitting, computational algorithms and C programming.
Subjects of Interest
Software Engeneering
Distributed Computation
Quantum Computation
Game Theory
Advanced Algorithms