Alternate Uses
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Uses for Skin So Soft
Everyone knows how great Skin So Soft makes you feel after a bath (whether using original, soft & sensual, or MY favorite - light and lush), but how many other practical uses are you aware of? This information used with the expressed permission of &rea's Avon. Please note that Avon does not endorse this product as anything other than a bath oil. These uses were collected by Representatives over the years and compiled for your reference.
- By design, it's a bath oil and after-shower moisturizer.
- It removes make-up (any kind but we recommend using Avon color!)
- A hot oil treatment that softens cuticles and nails.
- Great massage for tired muscles (hand a bottle to your spouse and put them to work).
- A few capfuls added to liquid soap creates a great homemade shaving lotion.
- Tanning oil (but not a sunscreen).
- Soothes minor burns and light sunburn.
- Cleans off tape marks from bandages on skin.
- Removes chewing gum from hair.
- Removes the adhesive left behind by stickers on glass, metal, & most plastics.
- Removes gum and candle wax from clothing, furniture, and carpet.
- Removes ink, paint, oil, and grease from skin.
- Rubbed on hands before washing, it helps get them cleaner.
- Applied to cracked, bleeding skin, it promotes healing in 2-3 days.
- Relieves the itching from bug bites.
- Spray on air conditioner filters to freshen the air.
- Remove a hornet's nest, then spray with SSS to ensure they won't rebuild.
- Sponge it around doors, windows, and on screens to keep bugs out.
- Mixed in your cleaning solution for cabinets (which should include Avon Bubble Bath) to keep ants out.
- Great cleaner and conditioner for natural wood and leather.
- Use to clean windows.
- Removes soap scum.
- Removes Removes lime and hard water deposits.
- Rub on brass objects to help keep them from turning dark.
- Removes crayon from most surfaces.
- Removes ink from vinyl and painted surfaces.
- Removes heavy oil and grease from non-porous surfaces.
- Cleans paint brushes easily and leaves them as soft as new.
- Oil lubricant for fitting pipe joints that won't slip together.
- A capful in the washer acts as a fabric softener and bug repellent.
- It's a great insect repellent (or you can use Bug Guard, the actual SSS repellent)
- Removes tar spots from automobiles without damaging paint
- Cleans and conditions automotive vinyl
- Shines vehicle tires
- Open a towlette and use as an automotive air freshener.
- Mixed with pet's bath water (which should include Avon Bubble Bath), it removes fleas.
- Mix 5 parts water, 1 part SSS and mist on animals to keep coats shiny and continue to repel fleas.