I guess I shoud start off by telling you a bit about myself and my collecting. Like most people I collected as a kid and stopped as I got older. I started up again in the late 70s and in the early 80s we opened a shop in Charlottesville, Va. When we moved to Seattle in 1983 I continued to collect until the prices drove me out in the the early 90s. Once I got on the internet I got back into trading and the hobby has become fun again. I've met some great traders on the net. (a few bad ones too) I love to trade.(don't do much selling but once in a while) I still try and put together sets but most of my collecting centers around the teams from where we lived. Teams I collect include: Minnesota University of Twins Minnesota(college or pro uniform) Vikings Other Minnesota Colleges Timberwolves Players born in Minnesota North Stars(in Minn.) Wild
As far as condition, Use this as a general guideline: 81 up- Ex-mt 73-80- Vg-Ex pre 73 Vg I'm not real picky as far as condition but this is the general condition of my sets.
Links to other traders
Please take some time and check out my wantlists and see if you can help me out
Last Update: 4/11/09
Players I collect- by playerBaseball Players I collect- by year and make 1950-95
Football Players I collect- by year and make 1954-92
Basketball Players I collect- by year and make 1957-95
Hockey Players I collect- by year and make 1970-92
Baseball Wantlists
Multi Sport Wantlists including: Draft Picks, Collegiate, XFL, WNBA, Odd Sports, Non-Sports
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