Tim's Beer Page

Welcome to my beer page. I started collecting breweriana as a kid
while my father was working for Schmidt Beer in Minnesota. I left the
hobby for many years, but got involved again when the price of sports
cards went crazy. Also moving here to the northwest I became 
interested in the micro-brew industry. I have always enjoyed the great
artwork associated with the industry and have gotten interested in the
brewing process. I now spend a lot of my free time reading up on the 
history of beer and brewing. I also try to find time to check 
out new brewpub and breweries while traveling. 
I collect coasters and labels from around the world but am interested in anything dealing with beer and brewing. I have had to take a break from trading for a while. I just havent had the time. I'm in the process of paring down my collection to a few specific catagories. As soon as I get that organized I'll get back to some trading. Until then, I have put together a list of good beer related links and a list of collectors that want to trade. They are collector that I have personally traded with and are nice folks to deal with. Please give them a try and I hope to be back into it soon. Thanks

Check out:


Some Quotes on Beer

Links to Other Collectors

The Stransky HomePage

Sportscards Page

If your interested in trading or just like to talk beer please write 
me at: tjstransky@attbi.com