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Diego José de Calazans, philosopher, 26 years old.

      Graduated in Philosophy at UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) in 2004 with the paper entitled "Time, creation and eternity", and about to finish a Master degree on the same subject - with focus on Mataphysics and Natural Philosophy - at PUC-Rio (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) in February 2007 with the dissertation temporarily called "Time or Not-Time? A study on the experince of time and the non-time of the experience". The former paper referred is specifically focused on the philosophy of the philosopher and theologer Saint Augustine and specify the limits, inside the work "Confessions" of three concepts, being the most important of the three the concept of time. For the Master degree research, what was a focused study about time became a general study about the nature of time and the approach, primarly philosophical, became also scientifical and the research itself was extended from an historical research on "Medieval Philosophy" to a larger study on "Ontology". About to conclude this research, I begin establishing goals for a future Doctorate thesis. This time, hence, I will leave aside the Metaphysic concept of time to concentrate on the Cultural and Philosophical Antropology and Sociology areas to investigate the relation between the contemporary concept of art and the decaying of moral and social values in liberal societies.

        "Ontology" still remains, for me, as the essence of philosophy and, therefore, the area whitin which I feel most confortable in reasearching; The change in reasearch area is not due to a chance of philosophical approach, but more to a self-imposed necessity based on the actual state in which rests brazilian society in the twenty-first century concerning elementary aspects of any state and society - political ideology, public policies and ethical values.

        Having taken part in congresses, lectures and philosophy related events, with good command of three languages (english, spanish and portuguese) - being now studying a fourth one (german) - and with experience in both philosophy and english teaching, I am a qualified professional for teaching theses subjects at higher, medium and fundamental levels. As a post-graduate student of philosophy I am completely capable of performing also as both a teacher and a lecturer in all philosophy related subjects.

         Other than philosophy, I have great interest in the areas of culture, entertainment, technology, sciense, religion, fashion, decoration ans gardening. I love books about philosophy, religion, sciense and misticism - with special interest for the inter-subjectual topics of philosophy and physics and some specific topics of chemistry and biology -. I also love american cinema and TV, productions from National Geographic and/or Discovery Channel and all those that involve the actor/producer/director Sylvester Stallone interest me the most. The musical styles that most please me are pop and heavy metal, specially the works involving the singers/song-writers Blaze Bayley e Michael Kiske.