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Sheridan Mixed Horseshoe League's

    We, the horseshoe pitchers of Sheridan, Indiana, in order to promote and foster the game of horseshoe pitching as a sport, to provide the opportunity  and facilities for all persons interested in horseshoe in our area to participate in the game, and to insure it's continued existence and growth, do here establish this constitution for the Sheridan Mixed Horseshoe League.
    The name of the club shall be "Sheridan Mixed Horseshoe League"

    The purpose of this club shall be to further the cause of horseshoe pitching by all proper means in Sheridan and throughout the area of our influence.

    The requirements for membership shall be set out in the by-laws.

    The officers of this club shall consist of a President, V-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Public Relations Director.  These officers are to be elected annually by a majority vote of all regular members present and entitled to vote at the annual meeting of the club, and they shall hold office until the next annual meeting, or until their successors are elected and qualified.

    1. President: The duties of the president shall be to preside at all meetings and to administer the business of this club, to pass on any obligations the association may wish to incur, and to handle whatever other duties may come to thier attention in promoting the best interest of the club.
    2. Vice-President: The duties of the vice-president shall be when the absence of the president to preside at all meetings and to administer the business of this club, to pass on any obligations the association may wish to incur, and to handle whatever other duties may come to their attention in promoting the best interest of the club.
    3. Secretary: The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep accurate minutes of all meetings, keep accurate records of club records, attend to correspondence and any other duties which may come to their attention as necessary to promote the best interest of the club.
    4. Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep accurate records of club records, custodian of all funds of the club, sign all warrants for club expenditures, keep accurate financial records of club funds and any other duties which may come to their attention as necessary to promote the best interest of the club.
    5. Public Relations Director: The duties of the Public Relations Director shall be to get recognition out to the general populace and other duties which may come to their attention as necessary to promote the best interests of the club.

    The elected officers and the team captains shall constitute the executive board and may act on behalf of the club in all matters. Meeting of the executive board shall be held at such times and places as the executive board may decide, and at least on-half plus one of the board members must be present to constitute a quorum.  The club president will chair the executive board and will vote only to break ties.

    They should be elected by team members an annual meeting of the club.

    The duties of the team captains shall be to collect all team fees, to be his teams spokes person, to keep team rosters up to date with the league secretary, to notify team members of all meetings and rain outs, to keep his team scores or designate a scorer, to help build the sport of horseshoes in general.

    In the event of the vacancy of a member of the executive board, the remaining executive board members will fill the vacancy until the annual meeting held after the end of the season.

    The president shall appoint such committees as he/she feels are necessary.  Such as, but not limited to: Audit, Grounds keeping,banquet, tournament, awards, public relations, etc.

    The club may adopt such by-laws as it shall deem necessary, By-laws shall be adopted when approved by two-thirds vote of the board members in good standing present at any regular meeting.

    The regular annual meeting for the election of officers should be held on the first Monday night of September in each year. The executive board should have a annual meeting the second Monday of April of each year. A second regular meeting should be held on the third Monday of April at the horseshoe courts of each year. Such other meetings as are necessary may be called either by the president or by any two other board members notifying all board members in good standing of the time, place and purpose of such meeting at least seven days before such.

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