jimvahrenkamp:an.illustrated.journey 1_29_01_jim_up.jpg (36905 bytes)

line rule




These are some pictures of my family and extended family. See Pictures of my DAD! click here

jim-carol.JPG (394059 bytes)Me and my aunt Carol roncarol-kids.JPG (486661 bytes)Carol Ron and my bro's and sis's parents-carolron.JPG (427487 bytes)Mom Dad and Ron and Carol 01-4-01_jeff_end_300.JPG (135901 bytes)Jeff Finishing the 300's
01-4-01_jeff_start_300.JPG (109253 bytes)My bro Jeff running the 300's jeff_300.JPG (122641 bytes)Jeff running at Regions mom-carol.JPG (457921 bytes)Mom and her Sis Carol ron-carol.JPG (430138 bytes)Ron and Carol