jimvahrenkamp:an.illustrated.journey 1_29_01_jim_up.jpg (36905 bytes)

line rule



More pics just for you. I thought you might enjoy a look into my downstairs on this fine night of 9.30.01


emerson in.JPG (81252 bytes)Our Cat Emerson

guiniea pig.JPG (82553 bytes)The guinea pig that lives in jeffery's room books with flash.JPG (115134 bytes)Some of my books from a close up view
bookshelf.JPG (411788 bytes)My Whole Books Shelf anigreat.JPG (83110 bytes)Of course my buddy ani guitar - amp.JPG (86496 bytes)My Strat and peavey rage 158 amp
jeff - jess.JPG (79235 bytes)My bro jeff, and sis jess watching tv jim bigflash.JPG (74870 bytes)Me jim self.JPG (71766 bytes)Me
stereo.JPG (77709 bytes)My Technics Reciever. It is a class A amplifier. Thank goodness lots of power jim.JPG (75518 bytes)Me tonight the pic is taken by my bro jeff

neon.JPG (56478 bytes)Only the greatest car on the earth, my neon. I am getting some rims

neon2.JPG (56922 bytes)The pics are at night sorry I will get better ones after i have washed her, maybe she can have her own page office books.JPG (101918 bytes)The books in the office that I can peruse through room.JPG (85698 bytes)My room as it looks right now. Good? I am not sure.