leans against the door, and probably thinks somthing about the capitol, or
friends, and how high school is so short
got caught not ready for me to catch him on film He had the 35mm and I had
the digital. I won out, I had 15 disks full of pics by the end of the day.
now has the digital and I am looking at some art that I think a third
grader did. How amazing I think that a 3rd grader can do what I cannot.
sits engrossed in his book as the legislature is in session. None of us
really cared, except I suppose for beth anne who was taking part.
found what I think may be the best couch ever. It was made of buffalo
hide, josh and belchers faces emphasize the fact that bryan is among
people. Look at the people in the background
where we are, yeah that's right, Hardee's in Pierre. I am standing on a
table trying to catch people as they are naturally. Not with the posing
and such. I really hate poses. People in action just as they are
has her cowboy hat, actually it was Brandon's boss's hat. But he brought
it on the trip. It was the highlight. We all wore it, and the pics can
show that.
think tera ran out of energy finally. She slept most of the way up, adn I
would suppose this is after the sun came up. Thought it was snowy the sun
still brightens things
coat in hand, considers what the others are saying. Does she look left
out? or is she simply removed from the group on purpose?
here is content, pleasent looking, and altogether not a bad shot.
is the stop in a picture of motion and decision. You can see the pensive
wonderment on his face as he considers what he is going to eat today.
course the action is always just out of the picture, but you can see that
everyone is wanting their opinion added. Josh looks as though about to
spout out some great revelation