Coaches Corner

Sponsors 1998:

Team sponsored by the Bank of Montreal and Riverside Forest Products.



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Nothing to do? Get together with friends or family and go to the park and play small scrimmages, try it every day!   Your ball skills will improve so fast that you will not believe it.



Tommy Docherty, former player with Glasgow Celtic and a Scottish International in the 1954 World Cup says: the short pass is the easiest to deliver, because the further a ball must travel, the greater the risk of it being off-target. The player who cannot make an accurate pass over ten yards, will surely be unable to pass the ball accurately over thirty yards. A reverse pass plays an important part in overlapping. When a winger cuts inside moving with the ball away from the sideline he creates a space behind him for a defender or midfielder to move into the unmarked space. This is ideal for the reverse pass. The fullback receiving the pass becomes an important attacking player with ample room.



  • This month's tip comes from Helenio Herrera. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He played as a boy for Boca Juniors and later his parents took him to France where he played for three top class French teams. In the 60's he was renowned throughout the world as the best coach in the game. He managed three National titles with three different countries, France, Spain and Italy.

  • Herrera says to study your players, scrutinize them from every angle, and then ask them to play in a way which will make use of the last scrap of talent the players possess, and also make it possible for the team as a whole to slip naturally and quickly from defence to attack, and back to defence.
  • Having decided on the tactics, the coach can really get to work, for his real task is to make the players think! Outstanding players are "born" with talent. At the age of seven a boy with great skill will still not know how to use his ability beyond dribbling and this may still be true at 15, unless they've been taught by a top class coach.



  • Albert Batteaux was born in Reims in 1919 and played for 26 years before becoming a coach for the French National Team and win third place in the 1958 World Cup. He led his team Reims to historical achievements in terms of cups and championships winings. He always believed that the basis of good football was skill with the ball combined with accurate short passing.

  • Batteaux says that young players must be inspired to stay near their opponents goal, the ideal zone where a shot at goal is the natural result of the collective work. That all work in midfield necessary to win the ball must be finished with an attacking move. As a coach you must stress the importance of 'presence' near the goal that can only be achieved with basic physical, mental and technical training.



  • Matt Busby was born in Orbiston (Lanarkshire) in 1910. He was a winger for Manchester City and Liverpool. He was also capped by Scotland. Busby spent most of his life as manager for Manchester United guiding them to many honors. He rebuilt the team after the sad airplane disaster that killed many of the United players where he too was injured. He took them again to glory in 1963 and 1965.

  • Busby says the essence of successful coaching is the art of extracting the maximum ability from every player - while obtaining good results from the team as a whole. Junior players are the most receptive to coaching and it is surprising how many youngsters do not know which is their best position. They need advice on their shortcommings and weaknesses should be correct whenever possible. However, no coach should attempt to interfere with a player's natural style or unique talents.



  • Take the time to review the tapes of some of the World Cup games in France98. Learn what world class players in your position in the field do. When in possession of the ball or not, where do they move respect to where the ball is, how do they support, to which position in the field do they most often play they ball to, etc. Make notes as they apply to you and then try to implement some in your game. Whether you are a goalkeeper, fullback, midfielder or striker, there is lots for everybody.

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and enjoy a kick in the grass!



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