Soccer City Division Finals

Last Sunday at Soccer City was an episode straight out of the annals of television history. FBSFC paid homage to the 1980’s seminal ode to 10 gallon hats, Dallas. Yes siree, all the old familiar faces were there. Sue Ellen, Jock, JR and most importantly Bobby Ewing. For it seems that FBSFC also did their best impression of Bobby when they woke up from a dream, wiped out any memories of the past season and went back to what they’re known best for - losing!

While no one was shot, a few players carried themselves like horses with broken legs, and should have been laid out in greener pastures (perhaps the wide open space of Southfork?) as FBSFC lost in the Division finals to a far superior, however not as interesting, club the "BATS".

Apparently the shock of actually making it to the finals, coupled with the sheer horror of possible promotion was too much for the lads to overcome as they were thoroughly out played for the better part of 39 minutes. Holding the BATS to a one – nil advantage as the half approached, the players with the beer keg on their chests collapsed in the second half as the BATS poured in three more goals to take the Division crown as the team that "almost lost to those fat useless bastards".

While not recording any goals for the first time this season, and thus having no scoring highlights to report, the players did little to provide any defense either as most of the FBSFC forwards were too busy signing autographs for the hoard’s of small children clamoring to catch a glimpse of the squad that toppled the first place team the previous week. Speaking on behalf for his line mates, the man that most resembled Sasquatch in high school, John Desantis made a brief statement regarding his game play. "My only wish was that we had a few more preppy guys and prefects on this squad, cuz man they sure know how to play a good game!". This reporter personally believes this comment was thrown out towards Steve "I have a new mobile phone and it’s not crap" Sexton, as Magic Schteeevie was know to "score" quite a bit while in high school.

The club plagued by injuries continued it’s woes, as keeper Ron "I stopped a shot in warm up", and Chairman Sean "I love my baby back, baby back, ribs" Rice were once again victims of their over blown assumption that they’re fit and twenty years old again. Ron Nolet, after numerous attempts at self injury as he recklessly threw his body at the turf, injured his knee while attempting a full cartwheel to stop a shot. Unfortunately Ron had to leave the game and was immediately attended to by club physician Dr Hal Huff and his staff. As Ron walked off the pitch it was readily apparent to the medical staff that his face was a grotesque shade of aubergine. It was quickly determined that Ron had been holding his breath after he tossed his shirt at back up keeper John Desantis and walked to the bench topless (apparently this was a gimmick to appear brawny). In an apparent bid to attract a few females to the game, Ron remained shirtless even while he sipped a glass of water almost an hour after the match.

However the most disappointing injury of the season, yet again, went to club Chairman Sean Rice. After taking a needless penalty for playing the school yard game "I know you are but what am I?" with an opposing player Sean was assessed a two minute minor. As his penalty expired and a return to the bench was imminent, Sean caught his hand in the Guest gate, and nearly tore his finger off, thus bringing another season to a close for FBSFC…


It appears that FBSFC have been reading the Old Testament during their mid season break, as the "Giant Killers" pulled a David and Goliath routine by surprisingly knocking off the Division leaders, E T Stingers 4-3 yesterday.

The win moved everyone’s favourite underachieving Club into the finals next weekend, against what can only be described as FBSFC’s most glorious moment ever. Facing possible promotion, Club Chairman Sean Rice was busily hurrying off to secure Hotel rooms at the local Holiday Inn, as the club made an unprecedented move towards "turning the tide" and moving up to Division 6.

"On behalf of myself, I think the lads put in an outstanding performance. Believe me I’m just as shocked as anyone else is!" Mr. Rice was seen leaving SoccerCity in a giant Budweiser promotion vehicle shouting "Meet me at Donnelly’s, I’m foregoing the last 3 weeks of my diet in favour of more beer!"

The Club that everyone used to mock as being those "Fat old men who are 0-20" had a fully fit squad with no room on the bench as they shocked the Stingers with stogy defensive play, and even more impressively, some beautiful offensive dramatic flair. Scoring for the Club was Don Clendenning, John Desantis, Mike K. and Kevin Bracken, while the defense was lead by "Magic" Stevie Sexton and keeper Ron Nolet, who was unflappable in net. Club captain Barney Hill had words of encouragement for the squad that apparently worked wonders for the players attitude. When asked to explain the strategy Barney commented "More goals for, less against was the phrase of the day!". "Besides Nolet’s X’s and O’s strategy was way too hard to follow".

The Club had also scheduled their inaugural FBSFC season wrap up party at Donnelly’s Bar and Grill Fry up Cookhouse in wonderful downtown Brampton. The Club had "Tin Man" Mark Rattray to thank as cold onion rings and soggy fries are apparently a Scottish dish that should best be eaten "COLD". Many awards were handed out over the course of the season including Ian Richardson’s "Princess crown and earrings", John Desantis’s hungry man award of a special box of "cous cous", Justin McCarthy’s golden coffee mug award – still banned by the staff at SoccerCity, and the best award of the evening Ron Nolet’s warm up replica model filled with numerous balls that he some how fails to stop during warm up!

A great time was had by all involved, especially Andrew Corrie who won additional recognition by picking up the "how did he get drunk so quickly?" and "My wife is coming to get me" awards. Much to the Chairman’s chagrin Andrew almost picked up the "I love you guys" award as well but the Chairman was too busy watching Mark Rattray’s anti-English tape, which included a replay of the England Argentina World Cup match from 1998. At this point Sean was also too drunk to recognize anyone else other than Diego Simeone, his favourite Argentinean, next to Maradona.

In the funniest moment of the evening Kevin Bracken played the party favourite "Someone stole my jacket and I’m really not impressed" game with all the members of the Club. Apparently logic was lost on poor Kevin that the only people in Donnelly’s were fellow players, and no one was interested in stealing his jacket, but it was a lot of fun watching him scour Donnelly’s from front to back looking for his overcoat anyways. When asked to comment Kevin responded "I’m not one for thinking outside of the box, besides I never played hide and seek as a child!" This reporter was taken aback as Kevin threatened to "kill the whole lot of people involved" before storming out of Donnelly’s and over to Hooters to play the "jacket game" with their staff as well.



Suburban Chaos and   "Mustang Sally", their shaky goaltender, defeated FBSFC 4-2 to end the regular season on a sour note for the club. Some would blame it on the unlimited supply of Timbits supplied by goal scorer Jimmy "Double Double" McKnight or the fact that the Chairman was not hung over, or that Brian started drinking at ten a.m. - but they would be wrong...... We lost because we don't have the skills or fitness to play this game very well.

A lowlight of the game was Kevin Bracken trying to beat up a twelve year old and ending up in the penalty box - he was later forced to apologize to the child and explain that sometimes Daddies can be violent when drinking alcohol and that he never meant to hurt him or Mommy.

One of the highlights was an incredible (and insane) run by Barney Hill that ended up with a shot off the inside of the post - Barney claimed the prestigious assignment of Playoff Captain after the inspiring burst. Almost as inspiring was seeing John DeSantis jump over the boards and into the fray while still chewing on a timbit - he still had some white powder around his mouth at shift end - he may deny it but I think the timbits caused the mild stroke he had near the end of the game (he did manage another cheap goal).

Hal had another wonderful game as our sweeper at the back (he was the only player not to leave our own eighteen yard box) and Mike enjoyed another flawless game moving laterally along the centre line .   Sean Rice played one of his "quiet" games - no mistakes but no results - he ended the game with a plus/minus of 0. Don Clendenning again "silenced" the crowd with another flip at midfield ---- as Don hit the ground the crowd held it's collective breath until Don's heart started pumping his thin blood through his old hardened arteries. Don survived but did feel a little twinge with his plastic hip after the game.

Ron Nolet played another strong game but again failed to score when we needed it the most. Although he made no glaring errors, Mark Rattray didn't have his "A" game but promised to bring it for the playoffs  . Ian didn't score on his own net - so he was the games second star.

Sexton was crap.



 As most of the wives, girlfriends and "sleeping buddies" of Steve Sexton can attest to, the players of FBSFC are most definitely "morning men". Soccer City’s favourite club was handed a loss on a very late Sunday evening, as an ugly Monday morning dawned seeing the Club lose 7-1 to the high flying BATS.

As the playoffs loom, the Club continues to struggle towards finding its wonderful mid season run, when goals were plentiful, and Maggie Rice’s impending birth was simply an event (excuse) to raise a toast to at Board of Directors meeting.

Sunday night saw the club fall flat as only last weeks player extraordinare Jimmy, could manage to bulge the twine once as the majority of FBSFC players looked stale and old. Much like the week old timbits in Don Clendenning’s car.

The absence of certain skilled individuals ruined the chances of a patented FBSFC comeback, as many players were at work going through passenger’s luggage, or were curled up in their beds dreaming of inventive ways to stream line the Body Shop’s website.

However, not all the news was bad on the FBSFC front, as John Desantis apparently confirmed a medical fact that not all men can actually touch their knees. Subbing for an absent Ron Nolet in goal, John Desantis carried out a battery of tests by letting every shot past him that was either along the ground, or below his knee. Asked to comment after the game, a recalcitrant Desantis brushed most reporters aside commenting "speak to Dr. Huff. It was a wild medical experiment gone horribly wrong". As John streaked off in the general direction of Swiss Chalet, Hal Huff was questioned on the appropriateness and timeliness of his Ph.D. thesis "Italians over 30 – Inflexibility Issues and the Modern Man". A FBSFC disciplinary panel has imposed sanctions on Dr. Huff carrying out any further experiments and have banned him to the hallways of Soccer City to work on his ball handling skills.

In another remarkable tale of debauchery and woe, FBSFC mid fielding talent Justin McCarthy will also face the same Disciplinary panel after several players, including two Board of directors members witnessed an unfortunate incident involving a Soccer City barmaid. McCarthy was found guilty of harassing the young woman after she berated him for bringing "outside coffee" into the establishment. Misinterpreting a sign posted on the door at Soccer City, Justin was under the impression "ALL FOOD AND BEVERAGES PURCHASED OUTSIDE OF SOCCER CITY IS WELCOMED BY MANAGEMENT". Refusing to drink the "swill" that Soccer City was serving an unimpressed McCarthy blatantly became abusive towards the helpless female as a torrent of abuse and obscenities flowed from Justin’s "hickory flavoured coffee" mouth. Several patrons of the bar have gone on record as stating "some guy was shouting WE SHALL OVERCOME" as he was escorted from the premises. Others claim the accused was overheard saying, "I’ll get that Coffee Nazi if it’s the last thing I do this year".

FBSFC refused comment on the issue, stating all players have the right to a full and fruitful life according to the Charter of Canadian Rights and Freedom, and Mr. McCarthy is innocent until proven guilty. The family of Justin McCarthy has hired infamous OJ Simpson trial lawyer Johnnie Cochrane as he attempts to clear his name before Santa Claus comes.

FBSFC 15 – Globale One 4

FBSFC Chairman Sean Rice will be handed a pre Christmas present this week – as the executives at Soccer City present him with a bill for his club’s part in dismantling the existing score clock at the facility.

The lads of FBSFC, doing their best imitation of Michael Jackson by smashing all existing records for absurdity, managed to pump 15 goals past 2 hapless Globale One keepers in their most lopsided victory in club history by winning 15-4 as the club heads into the Christmas break.

Asked what he wants for Christmas, Jimmy the new guy responded "customers that know the difference between a large and a Jumbo cup of coffee without me having to hold the cups side by side, and 7 goals at our next match". Santa works in mysterious ways as he was able to grant the polyester wearing goal whore the latter request, as Jimmy managed to break the existing club record for most goals in a match, even managing to score a hat trick on one shift.

Former golden boy John Desantis remarked that Jimmy had the stamina of a porn star, and the grace of flock of geese being terrorized by small children at Centre Island.

"I was in the right place at the right time" Jimmy remarked as he gleefully slipped the captains armband onto his bicep for the next match. "If this doesn’t make me employee of the month than nothing will" as he led the players to an "All you can eat Timbit" treat at the local Tim Hortons. Jubilant cheers of "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy" were heard reverberating throughout the Soccer City parking lot, as Jimmy was carried out on the shoulders of his teammates muttering "God bless everyone".

Adding to the goal tally for the evening was Mike K. with 2 goals, Jez "back from the dead" Fletcher with a couple, and John Desantis, Sean Nejat, Don "my finger is bent" Clenedenning, and Steve "Magic Schteeevie" Sexton each with one goal.

Conspicuous by his absence was the Chairman himself as rumors swirled that the Rice’s were hanging out at Shoppers World getting Maggie’s picture taken with some clown in a red suit. Word has it that they continue to wait in line as this report goes to press.

The one blemish to the evening was Brian Warren’s penalty for impersonating a rambunctious hockey player as he leveled one unfortunate player into the turf. "We play in a hockey arena – that’s all the motivation I need" replied Brian after a heavy dose of questioning from the ref. "Actually, I couldn’t slow down and I needed a drink of water – my bottle had ice in it for that really refreshing cooling off effect after a tough shift". Brian also had to be coaxed out of the sin bin after his penalty was over commenting that "this seat gives the best view of the pitch. I think I’d like to stay here for a while"

Playing a solid game without contributing any goals (for or against their own side) were Andrew "the bull" Corrie, Barney "I’m not Benny" Hill, Justin "Keepin’ it real" McCarthy, Mark "The General" Rattray, and Ian "Sean isn’t here, I’m running the club" Richardson. Of special note, nothing went off Ian’s anatomy past keeper Ron Nolet this week and Ian even managed a shot in the "general" direction of the opposing net.

On a final note John Desantis and Jimmy are now tied for the scoring lead with 10 apiece with 2 games remaining. No one is quite sure who the "Domi" is and who the "Sundin" is..


November 26 2000


 It appears ET has finally found a home. Unfortunately it appeared to be in FBSFC’s backyard, as the Stingers handed the club their second consecutive loss to the Division leaders. Not having to travel 2 million miles, the Stingers continued their dominance of Division 7, while the Fat Boys continue to struggle to find their early season form as they march towards the playoffs.

FBSFC asked the question "who’s your Daddy?" and the Stingers replied with a sound 5-2 thrashing of the hopeful play-off bound club.

John "The Rhino" Desantis opened the scoring for FBSFC, nudging the ball past a helpless Stinger keeper. Desantis has now scored a total of 9 "garbage" goals for the season, and along with the moniker of "goal whore" he now adds "goal pig" to his business card. This should help him score at Failte Bar on Saturday nights. On a personal note John will be signing autographs this week at The Pet Centre in Bramalea and will be spending the following week hawking bacon strips and pork grinds at M&M Meat shop on Bovaird Drive. Donations will be accepted at all locations.

Meanwhile the "Mon ami, I can’t believe I made contact with the ball" award went to Sean Nejat last night, as he too proved goals don’t have to be pretty to be a member of FBSFC. Sean became the first FBSFC defender to tally a goal in the 2000 Season by getting trapped on the opposition’s goal line as a deflected ball bounced off his chest and into the back of the net. This was the club’s second "non finesse" goal of the night, and after the game Sean commented that he was confused as to what end of the rink he was in and was more concerned that he was going to be fined for an own goal. Sean was latter penalized after taunting the Stinger Players by reciting the words "UN" over and over again.

As the game clock began to expire, FBSFC Chairman Sean Rice commented that the Club appeared to lack any real pace that could only be attributed to a lack of sugar in their diets. Even Tim Horton employee of the month Jimmy could not provide any assistance as he constantly wondered away from several teammates brandishing an open cigarette lighter. Apparently his body hugging polyester uniform is highly flammable as well as unattractive. Chairman Rice has now provided Jimmy with some intense pre game meal instructions that should provide the club with some needed energy. TimBits will now be handed out to all FBSFC players as well as supporters prior to all games and will actually be recommended during non game days as well. For clarification Jimmy wants all readers of this article to know that "Double Double" refers to milk and sugar in a coffee, not double shots of coffee mate.

On a sad note to the evening, FBSFC elder statesman Don Clendenning was horribly injured as he chipped a fingernail while chasing down a loose ball. On closer examination, Dr Hal Huff remarked that the finger might actually be broken or at least overextended (As many of us can recall from errant basketballs thrown at us in high school gym class. But I digress.)

An MRI is scheduled at Dr Hals clinic on Monday morning, while rumors appear to be unfounded that Dr Hal is bilking OHIP for unnecessary medical procedures. The good witch doctor’s medical opinion appears to in question as some players questioned whether or not all injuries could be healed with medicinal root and herbal tea. John Desantis quickly produced a live chicken from his duffel bag to sacrifice in hope of quickening the healing process for Don’s injury, after quickly realizing that Soccer City has discontinued it’s "bring your own chicken and we’ll turn it into spicy wings" policy.


With 3 games remaining the club remains in a close hunt for the playoffs, but the post season party plans appear to be all but confirmed up with FBSFC Financial Director Ian Richardson announcing the fines to date for all players. (See below) Cheques can be made payable to Chairman Sean Rice as he is now collecting funds for his newborn daughter Maggie’s University education.





Andrew Corrie


Barney Hill


Brian Warren


Dave Lowe


Don Clendenning


Hal Huff


Ian Richardson


Jez Fletcher


John DeSantis


Justin McCarthy


Kevin Bracken


Mark Rattray


Kieron Hoare


Mike K.


Ron Nolet


Sean Nejat


Sean Rice


Steve Sexton






TOTAL $168




On a night that saw history repeat itself from a scant few weeks ago, FBSFC triumphantly jumped back onto the winning/undefeated bandwagon, beating SC United handily 5-2.

The night was capped by FBSFC scoring ace John Desantis, as he proved Italians know more than just wine and pasta, they also know good math. Desantis solidified his scoring lead over the pack by adding a hat trick to his season goal tally of 5, to takeover the current lead as "goal whore" of FBSFC. John appeared to be slightly distraught after the game when it was determined that no Soccer City chicken wing coupons were to be included with his award. A consolation prize of next weeks captaincy did little to persuade John to have a celebratory beer, as he commented "no amount of goals would make me swill beer, but I would like a refreshing iced tea if its available".

The night also saw another FBSFC first as two penalty kicks were awarded to the club after some mischievous SC United players decided that volleyball was the game of the day after handing the ball inside their own goal area. Kevin Bracken doubled his season goal tally by driving the ball into the back of the net, while the aforementioned goal whore John Desantis added the other.

Acting Club Chairman Sir Ian B Richardson commented that "I was just glad I was riding the pine when the penalty kicks were called as I seem to find trouble no matter where I am on the pitch". Ian also took the hooligan of the night award after being penalized for driving a SC United player into the boards after it was alleged that a SC United supporter threw coins at him from the stands. "What upset me the most", said Ian after the game "was that they were only throwing pennies and nickels! I think I at least warrant loonies!" Ian also took home the "Turtle award" of the night for refusing to have his hands come into contact with the ball in a defensive scramble during the second half. Keeper Ron Nolet pounced on the loose ball to retain some dignity for the former captain. "The little guy looked like a turtle on its back with his hands and legs squirming all over the place, but he saved the day again"

On a sour note, Steve Sexton nearly let his team down by showing up for only the second half of the match. It was alleged that Sexton was out late the previous night carousing with some new birds that Steve claimed "know nothing of my past when I was in High School". Steve’s actions are currently before an investigation panel with the club and his future remains uncertain, again. Also adding to the blooper tape was Justin McCarthy’s ass as it added an own goal. When asked to comment, Justin responded with "it’s an open and shut case". A blank stare from several teammates caused Justin to add, "the case is open and shut. Nothing else".



From the Home office in Etobicoke, Ontario. Top Five ridiculous events that happened this week:

5 – The United States showed the rest of the world what democracy is all about – have a National election but don’t declare a victor. (They really don’t require a President at all)

4 - Sportsnet didn’t show a Manchester United match on Saturday. (we all have to wait until Monday)

3 - Steve Sexton’s active social life was put on hold for the next year as he begins an arduous 12-month stint on "nights" at Air Canada.

2 – Kathy Lee Gifford released a new single. (I don’t want to hear it Regis – and that’s my final answer.)

1 – FBSFC lost its second game of the season.

The mid way point of the season appeared to be a mountain that FBSFC couldn’t successfully climb, as the lads were stranded without a way down after losing 5-4 to Urban Chaos.

The night was a blooper roll in the making as several players lost the plot in both the offensive and defensive zone. Leading scorer John Desantis took home the prestigious "Kicks like a flamingo" award for failing to find the back of the net when the Chaos keeper wandered off his line, leaving John with an empty goal and no opposing player in sight. Last weeks Captain Steve Sexton, feeling guilty for not contributing a single dollar to the FBSFC Fine System to date, contributed $7 for an own goal, after watching the ball bounce off his foot and past a helpless Ron Nolet. But the most crushing blow came when Deputy Vice Chairman Ian B Richardson committed a "Neville" like blunder in the FBSFC box by hauling down an opposing player with less than a minute remaining in the game, to give Urban Chaos a penalty kick, and the victory.

Chairman Sean Rice declined to comment on the loss and the lapse of concentration by several key players, but changed his mind while racing off to Shoppers Drug Mart to stock up on diapers. "I’m not going to name names, but Ian Richardson’s play is a serious detriment to my unborn child’s health. I seriously question his ability to brag and boast every Friday night at Board meetings when his on pitch play reminds me of a chimpanzee playing right back for Manchester United". When told of his Chairman’s comment, Ian broke down into a well of tears and sought out fellow blunder brother Steve Sexton for a cuddle. Steve quietly welcomed the embrace commenting "this might be the only action I see for the next year".

FBSFC keeper Ron Nolet turned in an outstanding game once again, being named man of the match and being awarded the captain’s armband for next week. An honour he reluctantly accepted.

On a positive note, the unnamed FBSFC Financial Director released the 2nd quarter’s results seeing a positive $111.00 landing in the clubs coffers. The newly implemented fine system is the culprit in this case, with several players foregoing their salary for an apparent stake in the club. Of mention, Jez "Jez’s ball" Fletcher and Dr. Hal Huff have contributed a whopping $24 collectively, while elder statesman Don Clendenning, apparently already out of pocket for a down payment on funeral arrangements, has contributed a lowly dollar.

Once again seeking to clarify matters Chairman Rice remarked "the club now has to decide how this money shall be reinvested". When asked to expand he commented that "the club should either use the money to purchase beer after the remaining games or have a year end celebration with lots of beer."

                                                               MATCH REPORTS


It appears Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman has cemented his bid for re-election on November 13 by handing the keys of the city over to FBSFC Chairman Sean Rice, after the club recorded its second win of the season on Saturday with a decisive 5-2 win over SC United.

While a crowd gathered at City Hall to mark this auspicious presentation, Mayor Mel declared that this moment was the "feather in his mayoral cap" after declaring that "FBSFC have done a great service to this city!" He continued by saying, "by working together and putting together a great winning streak, FBSFC have wormed its way into the hearts of all Toronton-ians. November 13th will be known as FBSFC Appreciation Day!"

Team captain Steve Sexton, struggling to fight back tears commented that "all the lads have worked hard. It was just a matter of time before the victories poured in. I even came closing to scoring on the pitch. My record off the pitch speaks for itself."

The goal tally for the evening saw four different players pounding the back of SC United’s net as the strikes continue to pour in this season. Bernard "get open now!", John "The Animal" Desantis, and Mike K. all contributed a goal each, while Don Clendenning, elder statesman of FBSFC netted two, after failing to trip over any lines on the pitch. For his great game play a very exhausted Steve Sexton awarded him the captain’s armband for the next match. The move will hopefully see the club continue its march towards the playoffs, with another success in the win column. Supported by team physician Hal Huff, Don will begin a painful, but necessary week of blood transfusions in order to ready himself for the big game. Dr Huff commented that "the blood currently coursing through Don’s veins is very weak. It’s also very old. In fact its so old, no other donors with the same blood type are still alive". The search for a fresh batch will continue throughout the week.

On a blemished note to Saturday’s game, several key FBSFC players took a little "me time" during the game by serving time in the sin bin for a multitude of fouls committed on the pitch. In a strange call, which the club is currently protesting to the Board at Soccer City, John Desantis was penalized for speaking gibberish Italian and reciting some of his mothers tomato sauce recipes in front of the referee. John commented "I lost my head for a moment. All I could think of was chicken wings. It had literally been an hour since I’d eaten last".

Kevin Bracken was also penalized for a strange play in which he was cited for " sprinting from one end of the pitch to the other without actually getting a touch on the ball".

After the match, the Club gathered at a popular Mississauga pub for the traditional "downing of the winning pint". Captain Steve Sexton even carried his mobile phone to the pub despite the fact that everyone that has his phone number was in the pub itself.

Captain elect Don Clendenning, attempted to instill some culture into the group by producing a pouch of tobacco and a pipe reminiscent of Popeye’s. One player was overheard commenting that the only thing missing was Don’s can of spinach, after his wonderful two-goal performance. The only drawback to the cultural evening was a series of faux-pas that several FBSFC players committed by actually placing the rustic pipe in their mouths before handing the saliva laden cancer causer back to its owner.

Next week marks the halfway point of the season as the lads take their 2-1-1 record against the very intimidating Urban Chaos.


 Like a fine wine and good cheese FBSFC continues to get better with age. On Sunday, in a pre Halloween match, FBSFC "clipped the wings" of BATS by putting a 2 game unbeaten streak together in a hard fought 2-2 draw. FBSFC continued to clear out the "losing cobwebs" of last season, and have once again added to team history by putting "spells" on any team that run up against their lightning fast forwards, and the stone wall that has become their defense.

History is intertwined with many stories of brothers and their acts of heroics and villainy. The Bible had Kane and Abel, the movies had Jake and Elwood of the Blues Brothers, and video games had the talents of two plumber brothers, Luigi and Mario. And now FBSFC has added to that fine list with the Desantis brothers, John and Paul.

John "Anti-gravity" Desantis solidified his scoring lead with FBSFC on Sunday by adding a beautiful header in the second half, off a "Beckham like" free kick by Steve Sexton, while younger brother Paul added some much needed youth and enthusiasm to the FBSFC mid field by terrorizing opponents with his screaming tirades and orange socks.

On brother Paul, John commented that "He’s a little showy for my liking with his pony tail and baggy shorts, but he certainly has the Desantis flair and style of dress". John continued to defy the odds that a man of his girth and fitness could successfully contribute to a club, but in true Desantis style he commented "I’m a Desantis. There’s a little bit of my brother Paul deep down in me. Actually it’s really deep down. I think I could eat his weight in Chicken wings, but he’s still a good kid". Desantis now pulls ahead of Sean Rice for the scoring lead with 7 games to go.

Two newbie’s combined on the first goal - Jimmy "The Newf" slotted in a pass from "pinball" Bernard. Jimmy’s aggressive play combined with Pinball’s skill and enthusiasm are welcome additons to FBSFC. Ron Nolet was at his game saving best as usual, throughout the game.


In a sad note to club history, ex-Sir Ian Richardson, FBSFC’s most winningest player/manager was relieved of his captaincy due to his lengthy absence, and general ineptitude in the defense . The BATS first goal of the game came as a result of a poor back pass that keeper Ron Nolet was unable to handle. Sir Ian commented after the game "The supporters love me, the players love me, and most importantly, I LOVE ME !!" before quickly brushing past autograph seekers and stepping into a waiting limo to be whisked off to a banquet in his honor. Sean Rice, FBSFC Chairman remarked "I love the little guy but he really has no talent what so ever, but let’s face it he puts bums in the seats and the women seem to dig that crazy hair of his".

Ian was also stripped of his management duties as Dave Lowe took the helm for the first time. Dave’s lack of managerial experience was obvious as he has trouble remembering how many players to put on at once and forgetting everyone’s names – he also had trouble opening the gates. However, Dave looked the part as he took his only suit jacket out of cold storage for the occasion – he did get a draw in his debut so he stands undefeated as manager.

The WALL OF SHAME added three new members: Andrew Corrie, Barney Hill and Hal Huff – all three abandoned their teammates and let down the team by not showing up or calling in advance with a valid excuse….SHAME, SHAME!

Julian Murray came back to the fold for this game – playing well (except for one play) and managed to make it into the referee’s book for "slide tackling with intent to maim"

Steve "Collymore" Sexton in a strange twist of fate has been given the responsibility of leading the club in the next game and restoring the Boards faith in his commitment to the team and its future. Sextons future with the Club was in doubt last week after an emergency Board meeting was called to discuss his lack of "magic Stevie play" and poor attitude towards all involved with the team. Steve will slip on the Captains armband for the first time next Saturday, in what should prove to be another pivotal point in FBSFC’s storied history. God help us!

FBSFC’s next game is SATURDAY at 7pm – the team will then head out for a few pints to celebrate (hopefully) a three game unbeaten streak….double fines if you don’t show up!

P.S. just to recap: Ian was stripped of the titles of: captain, manager, and his knighthood last night after a failed back-pass led to disaster….. Ian (commoner) Richardson is now just barely hanging on to his place with FBSFC and has been placed on official probation…stay tuned.


FBSFC 6 – Guys in Green Bibs 2!!            VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY!!


Santa Claus decided to pay an early season visit to the good boys of FBSFC on the weekend as the club turned a milestone in Club History by winning its first indoor match convincingly over a group of less talented hacks. Rather than the proverbial "stocking full of black coal and losses", the lads were handed a much deserved victory scoring 6 times while only having 2 scored against them. A quick calculation by Club Chairman Sean Rice resulted in euphoria, as he shouted, "more for, less against – we win!"

An unprecedented 5 players managed to bulge the twine for FBSFC, including John "Anti-gravity" Desantis (2), Andrew "I’m running out of stream" Corrie (1), Kevin "I’m late again" Bracken (1), Sean "Shop glasses" Rice (1), and Don "Where are my teeth" Clendenning (1).

Keeper Ron Nolet turned in an excellent performance once again while managing to let the scabs on his knees heal.

The support cast of Hal "Dr. Root" Huff, Steve "Gopher" Sexton, Brian "Birthday boy" Warren, Sean "No Crap" Nejat, Jimmy the "new guy", and Mike "Defense/Offense – it’s all the same" K, played well in various positions, blocking shots and kicking the ball in the opposite direction.

FBSFC wounded player/manager Ian Richardson claimed the victory was the result of excellent bench organization and a "shitload of players that came out of the woodwork for the match". "I implore the board to renew my contract – I am now FBSFC’s most winningest coach. A .500 record is a victory in my eyes" claimed Sir Ian Richardson in the post game interview, only to be greeted with a smile and a warm handshake from the Club Chairman Rice.

In other positive news Mark Rattray was voted "greatest captain of all time", while leading the team to an impressive victory. "I intend to invite all the players over for a good fry up and we can watch Motherwell games from the 1970’s and listen to Big Country, pants are mandatory" Mark was overheard saying to several players as they triumphantly exited the dressing room.

Finally, John Desantis quietly campaigned against Sean Nejat for FBSFC team enforcer. An ugly melee with another goon saw Desantis receive the first FBSFC penalty of the year after an altercation, where the new father threw his weight around several times claiming "no one disses White Snake and gets away with it!!" John was eventually put down after the second tranquilizer dart took effect. ..John has since been tagged and let to roam the wild for another week.

Ian Blossom Richardson.


Exclusive: Cat Pees on Richardson's Jersey....Well, not right on it .... but it smells like cat pee.

Ian Richardson's jersey is currently "airing out" in Sean Rice's garage after being targeted by Gizmo - Sean's cat. The attack happened just as Richardson took the bench as the new interim coach of FBSFC - an ironic statement from a cat who, as far as we know, has never seen Mr. Richardson coach.

"I'm immediately adding Gizmo to my little black book - in it I have a list of the names of people who have wronged me in my life" Richardson announced.   Surprisingly, Richardson revealed that Gizmo is not the only animal to "make" his book. He also has some type if issue with both Elmo the elephant and Daisy the cow.

"I will get my revenge. In the mean time I'm off to buy some Febreeze". Richardson announced.


An inauspicious coaching debut by player/manager Ian B. Richardson saw FBSFC’s annual launch of Soccer City’s 2000-2001 season result in a heart breaking loss.

After an outstanding off-season schedule full of difficult practices, and a hard fought victory over the mighty Oul’ Triangle, FBSFC continued its woe full ways with another check in the loss column, against a quicker group of untrained athletes.

Despite some new uniforms that fit, and some very lucrative high draft choices in the off season, Brian Warren and Andrew Corrie failed to inspire their new teammates to anything more than what can be described as "another game plan shot to Hell". On a positive note, the new players were overheard muttering "when does the pub open?" and "Get me off, I can’t feel my legs" respectively. The synthesis of these players into the FBSFC line-up should be as welcomed as Ben-Gay the day after a game. Welcome aboard lads.

In what this reporter can only describe as a "hand of God" miracle, FBSFC Chairman Sean Rice was given credit for the team’s only goal. Coming off the pitch Rizzo was quoted as saying "I didn’t run all the way down the pitch for nothing! I simply put my hand up to prevent myself from crashing into the boards"

The team however was not deflated, as a new game plan was quickly put into action involving "shooting the round thing at their net", and "not letting all their players stand in front of our net kicking the ball at our keeper". Chairman Sean Rice was mum on how he intends to implement the plan but quickly noted "right now we’re more concerned with Steve Sextons rug burns. The poor lad spent so much time on his knees watching the other team dance around him I’m worried about his ego". Steve refused to comment after the game, instead quickly changing into his street clothes and heading off to his own Grade 8 Graduation.

In a move of sheer brilliance, player/manager Ian Richardson’s newly imposed "Fine System" saw an unprecedented $39 land in FBSFC’s coffers, widely in thanks to Kieron Hoare’s $8 fine, despite not even suiting up for the match.

On a final note (thankfully), Sean Nejat quietly campaigned for the enforcer roll on the team, when an ugly pile up on keeper Ron Nolet occurred in the second half. Once the bodies were cleared, Nejat was seen waving a finger angrily in the direction of several opposition players whispering "Mon ami, NON!"

Ian Boogie Richardson

e bodies were cleared, Nejat was seen waving a finger angrily in the direction of several opposition players whispering "Mon ami, NON!"

Ian Boogie Richardson