And Then He Was Gone.....

Chapter Fifteen

Three days until the wedding! Taker and Kaliegh were due in the next day. She hoped they didn't have any trouble getting a flight out, with it being Thanksgiving and all.

Her and Kane had gone grocery shopping earlier. She was cooking dinner tomorrow. Taker had called a short while ago saying they would be there tomorrow night. She was anxious to see Kaliegh. She felt the need of another woman's presence. Not that she didn't enjoy her time alone with Kane. That was a given! But during this time of preparation, she missed not having Kaliegh near by.

At the store, as usual, Kane attracted a lot of attention, mostly female.

"You sure we need all this? After all, there's only going to be the four of us to eat it." He said, eyeing the filled shopping cart. If she bought anymore, he'd have to get another cart to hold it all.

"All of this isn't ours. There's a family I know, that will be getting most of this. Once a month, I buy a bunch of groceries and take to them. They can use the help." With a wicked grin up at her husband to be, she added "Wait till Christmas!" At his horrified expression she laughed outright.

Putting away their groceries, Judy left out the things she needed to do her baking. Suddenly, she remembered, she hadn't picked up Kane's wedding ring. Wiping off her hands, Judy went into the living room, where Kane was relaxing and reading the paper.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, from behind, she gently bit at his ear lobe, illiciting a growl from the big man. Her lips moved down the side of his neck, leaving a trail of fire where they touched him.

"You better stop, or you won't get any of your baking done tonight." He said, looking at her hotly.

Laughing softly, she walked around the chair, settling herself in his lap. "Babe, I forgot something while we were in town. I need to go back in. I shouldn't be long, but I need you to stay here, this trip. You want anything while I'm gone?" She asked, breathlessly. Kane had begun to nuzzle her neck. His hands roaming over her body.

"I have all I need or want right here." He said huskily.

Reluctantly, she pulled herself out of his arms, then headed for the door. She hated leaving him. She felt complete in his arms.

"I should be back in an hour or less." The look she gave him, brought a smile of anticipation to his sensual lips.

Thirty minutes later, Judy had picked up the simple gold band with two diamonds and a ruby in the center. That stone's significance would not be lost on Kane. That being the birthstone for July, the month they fell in love, and made love for the first time.

As she walked passed a ladies wear speciality shop, something caught her eye. Pausing to look at the display, a wicked grin touched her lips. Very determinedly, Judy entered the shop, telling the clerk what she wanted. Moments later, she came out carrying a bag with her purchases inside.

True to her word, she was back home less than an hour after she left. Giving Kane a rather mysterious smile, she carried her bag back to the bedroom and put them away. He followed her back there and was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, ankles too.

"What are you up to?" He asked, amusement in his voice.

"Why what ever do you mean, Mr. Man?" She teased, feigning innocence, batting her long lashes at him. "I was merely putting away my new flannel nightgown." Her look was pure predator,...pure hunter,...pure lust! She lay across the bed, kicking off her shoes, patting the bed beside her.

Kane needed no further incouragement. As soon as he touched the bed, his big body covered hers. Very soon, they were locked in their own little world. The happy couple spent the rest of the evening and night loving each other.

Along about daylight, Kane fell into an exhausted sleep. Judy, too dozed off, only to awaken when she realized today was Thanksgiving and she hadn't done her baking. A satisfied smile curved her soft lips as to the reason why. Groaning softly, she dragged her tired body out of bed, heading toward the shower.

Ten minutes later, showered and dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants, she went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. As she waited for it to finish, Judy got out her pans, preparing them for the oven. Minutes later, while sipping her coffee, she whipped up a homemade carrot cake, followed by a scratch coconut cake, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, and finally a homemade pecan pie.

While her cakes baked, she mixed up a pan full of cornbread for the dressing. She had nearly all her baking done by the time Kane appeared in the doorway looking like an overgrown little boy. His long hair was all tousled, his sweats hanging on his hips, as he knuckled sleep out of his eyes. All in all he looked rough!

Blinking owlishly, in the bright light, Kane stared at all the sweets as though trying to recognize what they were.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head!" Judy kissed his bearded cheek, as she handed him a cup of coffee. His arm went around her, pulling her close to him.

"HMM! You smell good." He mumbled against her neck, bending at the knees slightly, to better fit her body to his.

Laughing softly, her arms wound around his neck, hugging him back. "You want some breakfast?" She asked, nipping lightly at his stubbled neck.

"You!" He ran his hands possessively over her backside, cupping her butt, pulling her tightly to him. She knew he desired her, from the hardness pressing against her lower abdomen.

With a heartfelt groan, she pulled away slowly. "No time, just now, babe. I have too much to do right now. Ask me later, cowboy!" Her mouth found his in a kiss full of passion and promise.

"Count on it little lady." Kane's mouth travelled along her jaw, down her neck, to that spot behind her ear. With a groan, he let her go, drained the cold coffee, then went to take a shower.

Judy smiled as she watched him disappear into the bathroom. Within minutes, she was back to her baking. While the cornbread and pies finished baking, Judy got the turkey ready to put into the oven. She put eggs in a pan of water and set them on the burner to boil. After cleaning off the counter and small freezer,Judy got out the sliced meats and cheeses to make up a small snack tray to tide them over till dinner.


Early that afternoon, Judy had just finished setting the table, using her antique Battenberg lace table tablecloth, her best china and stemware. Placing a cornucopia in the center of the big table, she next placed candles on either end of the centerpiece. Stepping back, she examined the table with a critical eye. Satisfied finally, she felt Kane's arms slip around her. She turned in his embrace, enjoying the feel of his arms around her.

"Everything ready?" He asked, holding her close.

"Just about. The turkey should be about ready to come out, and while it's cooling, the dressing will need to go in. I need a shower! Can I fix you something to eat, now?" She asked, looking up into his eyes.

"No, I'm fine. Any idea as to when our company is due?" His eyes hot as they gazed deeply into hers.

"Haven't a clue. Want to join me in the shower. You could wash my back!" The seductive look she gave him, inflamed his already aroused senses, even more.

"Any thing to oblige a lady." Kane picked her up, slung her over his shoulder and headed off down the hall. As he stood her up, his hands were busily pulling her clothes off, as hers were his.

They stepped into the shower, turned the water on, then were at each other again. Judy took her bath puff, poured some of her shower gel on it, then slowly, methodically rubbed the puff all over his massive chest, paying particular attention to his sensitive nipples.

"Turn around and let me do your back." She said, her voice soft and seductive.

Kane could only do as she asked. Her gentle touch was sensuality in itself. As she rubbed the bath puff across his broad back, she was busy doing other things with her other hand.

With a groan, and those lightening fast moves of his, Kane turned and lifted her, holding her up against the shower wall. Within seconds, their two bodies were one. Judy closed her eyes, loving the feel of his body against hers.

Kaliegh and Taker knocked on the door, but didn't get an answer. Trying the knob, he found the door unlocked, so they went on in. As they set their luggage down, Kaliegh realized first, that the noise heard was not only the shower running, but their friends actively enjoying themselves.

Taker and Kaliegh exchanged looks, then a really wicked grin curved Taker's lips. Taker closed the door rather loudly. Kaliegh smelled something in the oven, so she went to make sure that what ever it was wasn't burning. Grinning at "catching" her friend, she nearly jumped out of her skin when Taker bellowed like a wounded bear.

"Any body home?" The big man grinned from ear to ear as the shower was quickly turned off. Mumbled voices could be heard from the back bedroom.

In a few minutes, Kane came out of the bedroom, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, his wet hair had been hastily combed back.

"Taker, good to see you guys! Judy will be out in a minute." Kane and Taker shook hands. "Y'all have a seat. Make yourselves at home!"

"Kaliegh!" Judy squealed in delight, as she ran forward to hug her friend. She had pulled her damp hair back in a ponytail, and pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She looked like a teen-ager. All fresh scrubbed and pink cheeked.

Taker chuckled at the twinkle in hers and Kane's eyes. It was easy to see they loved each other very much. He wished them a long life together.

Smiling in pleasure, she turned her brilliant blue eyes on the big man next to Kane. "Taker, glad y'all could come." she said hugging him.

Kane had carried their luggage to one of the guest rooms.As he re-joined the others, Judy's eyes were soft and filled with love when ever they touched on her gentle giant, as were his when he looked at her.

"Kane why don't you help me with the rest of the luggage while the ladies catch up." Taker said, nodding toward the door.

"Sure thing!" Kane said, following his friend outside.

As Kane walked past Taker, that man got a whiff of Kane, and couldn't suppress the grin that appeared."Ahm, Kane, have you changed you after shave or something? But that smells like Liz Claiborne, and I don't think she makes stuff for men." Taker chuckled at the surprised look on Kane's face, then burst out laughing as Kane ducked his head sniffing his armpit. Kane grinned back as he realized WHY he smelled like Liz Claiborne. Getting the two bags out of the trunk, the men went back inside.


Dinner was enjoyed by all. And all ate too much. Taker opened the fridge to get him and Kane a beer, but didn't find any.

"Judy y'all are out of beer." He said looking over the top of the door.

"Ahm, yeah I forgot to buy some yesterday.Why don't y'all go to the convenience store at the end of the road and get some." She suggested, pausing in loading the dishwasher.

"Good idea! Come on Kane, let's go on a beer run. Ladies, we WILL return!" he said as they headed out the door.

The women finished cleaning the kitchen, then Judy asked Kaliegh to come with her. "I want to show you something!"

They went into Judy's bedroom where she showed Kaliegh her dress, and the surprise she had for Kane.

"Girl, he's gonna love that!! You'll look beautiful in it. Where are y'all going?" Kaliegh asked watching the happiness shine in her friend's eyes.

"No where! We decided to stay here.We really don't want to go anywhere!" Judy said as they went back to the living room.

"Kaliegh, Kane doesn't know it yet, but until after the wedding, he's gonna have to sleep in the guest room. I feel it's bad luck to go straight from sharing a bed to the alter. I'm hesitant to bring it up though. I told you about the pre-nuptials didn't I? Well, he doesn't know it yet, but I spoke to my attorney that next day and told him I wanted to do away with that offensive document. The only reason I even asked Kane to sign one was because he asked me to first.That pissed me off!" Judy said. "Would you like some coffee or something?"

"Some hot chocolate would be nice." Kaliegh said getting up to fix some. "Would you like some?"

"Yes, please. It's getting kinda chilly in here. Think I'll build a fire." Judy said as she went over to the fireplace and got started on it.

A short while later the men returned having bought a case of their favorite brew.

"It's getting chilly out there! Looks like it might snow!" Kane said as they came in.

Judy went over and kissed him warmly after he closed the door. "Did you miss me?" She whispered.

"Always!" He whispered against her mouth. His gaze warm and devouring.

"We need to talk." She whispered back.

"What about?" he asked curiously.

"Later." she said glancing around at their friends.

"Kane says he just found out that Judy is a writer." Taker said quietly, his eyes still on the happy couple.

"I'm surprised that you know. When did you find out?" Kaliegh asked surprised taker knew about Judy's true calling.

"Right after y'all first brought me up here. I got up one night to get a drink, and heard a noise. I went to check it out and found her working at her computer. That's when she told me she was a write. She said the new character had been fashioned after me." Pride evident from the sound of his voice.

Hiding her grin with difficulty, Kaliegh turned wide innocent eyes up to his. "Oh she told you that did she? Did she tell you she wrote women's erotic fiction?"

"She does what? What the hell is that?" Taker wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. Kaliegh only laughed and promised to "show" him later.


Next morning, after having a big breakfast, Judy asked what they had planned for that night."I have a feeling it'll have something to do with getting drunk and strippers!" She said with a grin.

The men exchanged looks but didn't say anything.

"What do you have planned?" Kane asked suspiciously.

Glancing at Kaliegh, Judy said the first thing that came to mind. "Shopping."

Taker and Kane were suddenly very suspicious of this whole "night out" thing.

Kane had agreed, albeit reluctantly, to sleep in the guest room, till after the wedding. He had a surprise for her. He rented a chalet in Gatlinburg for a week. He'd had a hell of a time doing it with out her finding out about it. Kaliegh and Taker would stay on at the cabin for as long as they were here, but Judy and him were leaving right after the reception.

They spent the day just enjoying the company and discussing the wedding the next day. Kaliegh and Taker liked the idea of the wedding chapel, and the ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

That evening, they all went into town, in two separate cars. After dinner, the two couples parted, men going one way, women going another.

The women went to Cotton-Eyed Joes. When they entered the honky-tonk, were very nearly blasted out of their shoes from the volume of the music.

"How can you stand to listen to this crap?" Kaliegh had to shout to be heard.

Judy only laughed as they made their way over to a table near the dance floor. Looking around Judy felt as though she was being watched. Her instincts told her it was Kane. Looking around, she saw no sign of the big man or of Taker either.

Soon all thought of Taker and Kane was banished once they got out on the hard woods. Kaliegh picked up the steps rather quickly, and even seemed to be having a good time in spite of her opinion of country music. She passed on trying to learn the Schotich.

"You go on, I'll sit this one out and just watch." Kaliegh said, completely worn out.

Judy went off on the arm of a good looking "cowboy". She danced beautifully. She was graceful, and had a natural rhythm that made dancing look easy. It was while she was dancing with the "cowboy" that Kaliegh caught sight of Taker and Kane. And Kane looked pissed!


Taker had been watching Kaliegh and immediately noticed the look of alarm in her eyes when she saw how angry Kane was. Taker glanced over at Kane, knowing all hell would break loose if he didn't get Kane out of there quick. Kane, however, had his own agenda. With lightening like speed, Kane lunged forward, intent on strangling the life out of the cowboy who was dancing with his woman. Taker barely caught Kane's arm and momentarily stopped him while Kaliegh tried to get Judy's attention. When Kane realized that his progress had been halted, he turned and swung blindly, connecting his fist with Taker's jaw. Taker went into a rage and had his arm back, ready to slug Kane when Kaliegh pulled him back and stepped between the two big guys. As she turned her head to look at Taker, Kaliegh saw out of the corner of her eye, two very big....very large bouncers headed in their direction with Judy right on their heels. Judy and Kaliegh looked on as each of the bouncers grabbed Taker and Kane by the collars of their shirts and literally threw them out on their butts. Judy looked over at Kaliegh and saw the look in her eyes....Judy knew exactly what was going through Kaliegh's mind....Judy was thinking the very same thing.

Those two poor bouncers never even saw it coming. The big men would have never in a million years thought that these two women would be able to get the best of them. But what they didn't know was that one of the ladies had been trained by one of the best wrestlers in the WWF and the other lady had gotten the best of the same wrestler on two different occasions. After the two bouncers had been effectively beaten to the ground, Judy and Kaliegh ran out of the bar as the owner called the cops.

Kane and Taker had witnessed what had gone on with their women and were waiting for them when they came running out of the bar....Kane in the first car...Taker in the other. Judy jumped in with Kane and told him to get the hell out of there, while Kaliegh got in beside Taker. The two cars took off, squealing their tires for a good half block. As they turned on the highway heading for Judy's cabin, sirens could be heard in the distance. Judy glanced back behind them, seeing flashing lights of the police cars.

"Kane, you better turn on the next gravel road. Looks like we've got company." Judy said as she lit a cigarette and tool a long drag off of it.

"Judy, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't gotten all jealous and upset and punched Taker, none of this would have happened." Kane said softly as he turned onto a gravel road and then looked up into the rear view mirror to make sure Taker had followed.

"You did what?? Why??" Judy asked in disbelief. " Go a few more miles and then stop and kill the lights."

"I was bound and determined to put a hurtin' on that cowboy you were dancing with. I was insane with jealousy and Taker tried to stop me from doing something I would regret. I got mad at Taker and punched him. Of course that pissed him off, and he was fixin' to lay one on me when Kaliegh stepped between us and then those bouncers showed up." Kane explained as he brought the car to a stop and turned out the lights. Taker pulled up behind them, doing the same.

"We'll need to wait here a bit, until all the cops are gone from the area." Judy said as she turned on the radio and laid her head on Kane's shoulder.

"Hey, let me have a look at that." Kaliegh said as she crawled over the divider between the two seat and slid onto his lap, facing him. She gently touched his jaw and found it to be good and swollen already. "I can't believe Kane punched you."

"It's okey. Doesn't hurt that much. Besides I probably would have done the same thing had I been in his shoes." Taker replied as he pulled her to him. "What I can't believe is what you and Judy did back there to those two bouncers. I can see Judy doing something like that. But you.....I knew you had some fire in ya, but...."

"Quite frankly, I can't believe it either. I didn't know I had it in me. So, what do ya say?? You wanna fight me sometime??" Kaliegh said with a smile.

Taker threw his head back and groaned. Then in one quick move, he drew her mouth to his and reclined the seat back, pulling her down on top of him.

"Have you gone mad??" Kaliegh asked him. Her voice was serious, but her eyes held the same heat as his. "We can't do this now....What if...." Kaliegh had started to say but her words were stopped by his kiss. Again Kaliegh pulled away from him. "Taker...we can't...." Her resistance was becoming weaker by the second as her want for this man grew more intense.

"Kaliegh, please....." Taker's voice was deep with desire, his green eyes were glowing pools of love and lust.

Very suddenly there was a knock on the window and Taker threw the seat upright in such a hurry that Kaliegh flew forward, slamming her back into the steering wheel. Kaliegh cussed under her breath at the pain that shot through her back and then quickly crawled back into the passenger's seat. Taker threw her a worried look and then rolled down the window to see what Judy wanted.

"Good Lord...What is going on in here?" Judy asked with a knowing smile. "Anyway, we just heard on the radio that all those police cars that we saw weren't even after us at all. Seems another prisoner escaped from the State Correctional Facility and that is where they all were heading. Taker, you go on and ride with Kane and I'll drive this car. Neither one of you are in any condition to be driving. Lord, you both smell like you bathed in that beer instead of drinking it."

Taker did as he was asked. Kaliegh sat back in the seat and must have fallen asleep because the next time she opened her eyes, she was back at Judy's cabin, Taker sleeping beside her. Kaliegh glanced at the clock and saw that it was 9:00AM. She gently shook Taker to wake him.

"What the hell happened last night, Taker? I feel like I've been run over by a semi truck." Kaliegh asked as she tried to get up, but quickly laid back down when a sharp pain ran through her back.

"Wish I could tell ya, Kal. There's not a whole lot I can remember myself. Taker said as he touched his swollen, black and purple jaw. "Kane has one hell of a right hand...that I know for sure. Oh, and you hurt your back in a little mishap. Should be okey once you get up and move around though."

Kaliegh laid her head on his chest and had just gotten comfortable when she remembered what day this was. "We better get up! Today is the big day for Kane and Judy." Kaliegh got out of bed as slowly and as carefully as possible and headed for the shower. She gasped in surprise when she saw her reflection in the mirror...She looked like death warmed over. She was further shocked when she caught sight of the bruises on her back and then groaned when she remembered that the dress she brought to wear to the wedding was low cut in the back. "Taker and I are sure going to make a stunning couple." She thought to herself and vowed to not drink that much again.

When Kaliegh was done with her shower and Taker had gone in for his, she made her way to the kitchen for coffee. She found Judy sitting by the table enjoying a cup of coffee herself.

"Hey! Good Morning!" Kaliegh said to her in greeting. Then getting her own cup of coffee, Kaliegh lit a cigarette and sat down. "Today is the big day. You nervous yet?"

Chapter Sixteen of And Then He Was Gone>
© 1998 by Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
**this story cannot be used in any way with out written permission