Keeping her eyes closed, and the pillow over her head, she thought about today and what it would mean! Would it change things? Would they be better? Worse? Were they making a mistake?
"Please, Lord, don't let this be the wrong thing to do! Give our union Your blessing!" She prayed.
Sneaking a glance at her watch, Judy saw it was almost 6:30. She would have to get up soon. As soon as she could hold her eyes open without screaming, that is!
A huge arm pulled her back against an equally huge body. At his touch, she squeaked out in fear, nearly jumping out of her skin. She thought she was alone in the bed. Almost fearfully, she peeked out from under the pillow, finding a beautiful pair of hazel eyes staring back at her.
"Morning!" He said sleepily.
Surprise kept her silent.When had he come to her bed? She couldn't remember anything! Groaning inwardly, Judy swore off alcohol for life!
Kane rolled his big body over hers, supporting his greater weight. His mouth covered hers in the gentlest of kisses. He kissed one corner of her mouth, then the other. He kissed her nose, then each eye. He kissed first one cheek then the other. His lips followed the line of her jaw, till he came to the point of her chin. Sticking out the tip of his tongue, Kane tasted the soft skin there, and licked up to her lips. Very slowly, very sensuously, he traced the shape of her lips. Kane gazed down into her eyes. Eyes that had slowly filled with desire... with lust...with love! His eyes never left hers! Not from the moment her head came out from under her pillow.
Finally he claimed her lips with all the fire, with all the hunger, with all the love in his big body. When he finally ended the kiss, he saw her eyes had darkened to almost black, so intense was her need for this man.
"I love you!" He said simply, his voice deep and husky with emotion.
She could feel the proof of his desire, lying heavy against her thigh. This only served to arouse her all the more! Her arms encircled his neck, one hand going up behind his head, and very gently, pulled him to her, to once again claim his lips.
Any doubts she had about the rightness of their marriage, ended right then. This was her soul mate! The other half of her being! He made her complete! Later, Kane drifted back off to sleep. Judy lay there watching him, watching the steady rise and fall of his deep chest, and knew she loved this man more than anything. Today was their wedding day!
Very quietly, she left the bed, and went into the kitchen. The wedding was several hours away yet. Not until late that afternoon. There was a lot to do during those hours! Starting a pot of coffee, Judy got a pen and paper to make a list of things she had to do.
She had just poured a cup of coffee and sat down when Kaliegh came into the kitchen. Poor thing was moving kinda slow this morning. "Probably to much to drink as well!" She thought as she greeted her friend.
"Today is the big day! You nervous yet?" She asked after sitting down with her own cup.
The serene smile on Judy's lips answered for her.
"No not yet! What happened last night? Everything is fuzzy after we left Joe's." Judy waited for friend to reply.
Kaliegh laughed, "Well, I can't remember much, but you produced a bottle of blended whiskey from somewhere, once we got back here, and well, you and Kane started dancing!" Kaliegh thought about it a minute, then burst out laughing. "Let's just say, you two give the term 'dirty dancing', a whole new meaning!" Kaliegh grinned wickedly at the look of horrified disbelief, on her friends face. Judy's eyes were absolutely huge! Her mouth a round "O". Her cheeks positively crimson.
Shame made her hide her face in her hands. She moaned softly in embarrassment. "Oh Gawd! I didn't! This is worse then I imagined!"
"You DID! But Kane was more than happy to oblige! After about 10 minutes of dancing, Kane picked you up, slung you across his shoulder, and you two, ahm, disappeared!" Kaliegh grinned, remembering the look on Kane's face as he swept past Taker and her. She grinned even bigger remembering what followed, between Taker and her. "After that, it's all kinda sketchy."
Judy groaned again, then buried her face on the table, covering her head with her arms. "I'll NEVER be able to look any of y'all in the face, ever again!"
Kaliegh could no more prevent the amused laughter from escaping, then she could prevent drawing breath.
"Gawd! I'm so nervous!" Judy's voice shook. Kaliegh laughed softly.
"It's ok to be nervous! Today is your wedding day! It's expected!" She watched as Judy tried to apply mascara with a hand that trembled visibly.
"SHIT!" Judy cursed softly, reaching for a tissue to wipe the black mess away. This was the third time she'd poked herself in the eye."I'm not going to make it through this!" She moaned. The next instant, she burst into tears.
Kaliegh calmly handed her another tissue to dry her eyes. "I'll get some water. Be right back!" Kaliegh left the room in search of a drink for her friend.
Taker was standing outside of the room across the hall. Either to warn, or prevent, Kane from leaving the room. His smile when Kaliegh came out, told her Kane was in the same shape Judy was in.
"Think they'll make it through the ceremony?" He asked, taking her in his big arms. His jaw was swollen and bruised from Kane's blow. He looked extremely handsome in his short leather jacket!
Laughing softly, Kaliegh rested her cheek against his broad chest. "I don't know! Judy's in tears, and so nervous, she's trembling. You'd think they were strangers or something!"
"What are you doing out here?" He asked, nuzzling her neck.
"Looking for water. I'm going to give her a sedative. To calm her down. How's he doing?" She asked, loving what he was doing with his hands.
Taker laughed softly, "Almost like he was afraid of her. I've known Kane for a long time. I've never seen him this nervous."
"Well, it'll be ok once they get in front of the preacher. We better go back in to them." She left his embrace reluctantly.
Spotting a water pitcher and glasses on a table, she filled one of the glasses, then started back into the room.Glancing over her shoulder, she blew Taker a kiss, then disappeared inside.
Going to her purse, Kaliegh took out a bottle, removed the cap and shook out one of the little white pills. Taking it and the water, she went back to where Judy still sat in front of the mirror, sniffling slightly. Holding out the glass and the pill, Kaliegh urged her friend to take it.
"It'll help you. Honey, you love Kane, and he loves you! You're just nervous, that's all. He wouldn't do anything to make you unhappy or to hurt you. Taker says Kane is as nervous as you are." Kaliegh watched as Judy took the sedative and listened to what she said.
"You're right, I know! It's just nerves." Judy took a deep steadying breath.
She had mascara smeared all under her left eye. Her hot rollers were falling out. And they had 10 minutes until the wedding was suppose to start.
"Judy it's almost time. I'm not trying to add any pressure, but if you don't hurry,you're gonna be late for your own wedding." Kaliegh reminded her gently.
Her eyes flew open in surprise. "Oh Shit! I've got to hurry! Kaliegh can you do something with my hair?" Dipping a corner of the tissue in the water, Judy wiped away the smeared mascara. Completely re-doing her make-up, Judy was soon ready to put on her dress. Kaliegh pinned some silk rose buds in her hair, as the finishing touch. With that done, Judy was ready to get dressed.
Taking off her sweats and t-shirt,she opened her bag and removed the corset and stockings that she had bought as a surprise for Kane. The soft Ivory color complimented her peaches and cream complexion perfectly, and had been a perfect choice. Kaliegh helped hook up the garment, as Judy anxiously glanced at the clock.
In minutes, Judy was dressed and ready. Tears filled Kaliegh's eyes as she stood back looking at Judy, finally ready to marry the man she loved.
"Honey, you look beautiful!" She said, wiping away tears.
Judy looked at her reflection in the mirror. The woman staring back at her was a stranger! The rose buds holding back her hair drew attention to her eyes, making them look HUGE! The dress accented her figure and the shade was a perfect compliment to her heightened color. Her long auburn hair, lay in fat curls around her shoulders, shining to perfection.
A knock at the door drew both pairs of eyes, as Taker stuck his head in.
"You ready?" When he saw Judy standing there, he was literally speechless. Kaliegh's gentle laugh brought him back to the business at hand.
"Close your mouth dear, we've a wedding to go to!" She reminded him.
"Damn! You look good!" He said, stopping into the room! "You ready?" He asked softly, grinning with pleasure.
"Yes, I am!" Judy said coming forward placing her hand in the bend of his arm.
Kaliegh smiled as she left the room. Kaliegh looked like a bride herself, in an ivory and teal dress, similar in style to Judy's dress. She signaled for the music to start. Judy had chosen a song by Sara Evans called "No Place That Far" rather than the traditional Wedding March.
Taker grinned with admiration and pride when ever he glance at the lady at his side. Kane was indeed a very lucky man!
Kane stood in front of a flower covered arch, dressed in tight black jeans, a short black leather jacket and a shirt in the same shade of teal as Judy's dress. She thought he looked absolutely gorgeous! His eyes twinkled with love for her as he watched her walk toward him. That lump was back in his throat again.
It was with a father's pride, that Taker placed her hand in Kane's. Judy and Kane had eyes for no one else, and within minutes, Kane was kissing his new bride.
The minister cleared his throat in embarrassment, never before had a groom seemed so EAGER or so passionate!
"AHM, Kane! Save some for later!" Taker said softly in Kane's ear.
Reluctantly, Kane ended the kiss. They shook hands all around, accepted congratulations from the minister, then left the chapel. Once outside, Taker grabbed Judy by the shoulders and kissed her soundly. Kaliegh kissed Kane on the cheek and hugged Judy.
The happy couple climbed into the back of the horse drawn carriage. Kane put his arm around Judy's shoulders, pulling her to him.Leaning over. he kissed her gently. "I love you!" He whispered against her lips.
"And I love you!" She whispered back, her eyes shining with that love.
Kane couldn't keep his eyes off her. Never had she looked more beautiful to him. A gentle snow had begun to fall, so Kane pulled the blankets up to their waists. Finally, the driver climbed up in his seat and they were off. The carriage ride would take them down the road to the lake where they would turn around and come back to the chapel, the whole thing took about 20 minutes.
Judy looked up at the falling snow, a happy smile on her face.When she turned her eyes up to Kane's, he saw snowflakes sticking to her eyelashes, glittering brightly.
"I have a surprise for you!" He said, leaning over to kiss her again.
"What is it?" She asked breathlessly, his hand cupping her breast, between their bodies, made thinking next to impossible.
"Later!" He said huskily, kissing her again. She didn't even notice the cold mountain air.
They had dinner at a restaurant in Gatlinburg. The staff was aware that theirs was a wedding party, so things were made extra special, complete with a complimentary cake for the happy couple. The festivities lasted for about an hour, then it became obvious that Kane and Judy were anxious to be alone. Once outside, Kane told her they were not going back to her cabin.
"Taker and Kaliegh can have the place to themselves. And I'll have you to myself." Kane murmured against her ear. At the touch of his lips, a delicious shiver ran through her.
Desire consumed her body, as she looked into the eyes of Kane! Her Kane! Her Husband! Judy waited in the car while Kane delivered the keys to the cabin to Taker. She watched as he walked back to her. His natural grace was amazing in a man as big as he was. As he got in behind the wheel, he pulled her to him. The kiss was rough and demanding! It sealed his possession of her! It ignited the fires deep within her. As Kane pulled away, the look he gave her was scorching in it's intensity.
"Good thing we're staying right around the corner, or I'd take you right here and now!" he growled, his voice husky with desire.
Ten minutes later, Kane carried her across the threshold of their chalet. With huge, round eyes, all she could do was say "OH!" as she checked out the place.
"OH! Kane! There's a round bed in there! There's a heart shaped tub, and there's a fireplace connecting the two rooms! OH! Kane! It's beautiful!" Her excitement the same as that of a child on Christmas morning. Kane had reserved the Honeymoon Chalet!
While she was checking things out, Kane had removed his jacket, his shirt,and unbuttoned his jeans. Kicking off his shoes, he walked over to the magnum of champagne, compliments of the hotel! Kane poured two glasses.
He carried these over to where she stood, in front of the fireplace. She accepted the flute of wine, gazing lovingly up at her husband. "This is wonderful!" She said softly.
"To my wife! May we have a long, loving, life!" Lifting his glass, Kane quickly drained it. Judy did the same! "Now, woman, unless you want that dress ripped off...." He said, his eyes running hotly over her body.
She sucked in her breath sharply as flames of desire once again burned just as hotly as the flames in the fireplace. Taking his hand, she lead him over to the bed. Setting her glass down on the nightstand, she went into his arms willingly. The kiss they shared was soft and gentle, yet full of promise. She stepped back, her eyes dark with passion, and filled with love.
Kane pulled off his jeans, then reached for her again. Judy danced away from him, giving him a teasing look over her shoulder. "You must be tired from carrying all that around." The look she gave him was smoldering. "Kane, honey, you lay down, and I'll be right back!" She said, disappearing into the bathroom.
Kane grinned wickedly, turned on the radio finding a soft ballad. He pulled back the covers, sliding between the sheets, the covers just covering his hips. The pillows stacked up against the curved head board of the big round bed. Glancing up, Kane watched as she turned out the lights and walked toward the bed.
Standing at the side of the bed, very slowly, she removed her clothing. A seductive smile curving her lips as her eyes locked on his. Kane's eyes ran hotly over her body. She still wore her undergarments. The corset and stockings were her gift to Kane. She was absolutely breathtaking.
Kneeling at the foot of the bed, Judy pulled the covers away, very slowly, very sensuously. When she had him uncovered, she crawled toward him, between his spread legs. Starting near his knee, she kissed, licked, and gently sucked the tender flesh of his inner high. She worked her way up to his groin, stopping short of THAT area, then worked her way up the other leg.
Kane's breath caught, at what she was doing to him. Already aroused by the sight of her, he was in danger of losing it. Crawling further up between his legs, she licked and nipped at the tender flesh of his groin area, yet ignoring THAT area.
Kane groaned deep within his chest. She caressed his thighs, running her hands over his body. Finally, her lips sought out that which she had been teasing.
"LORD! WOMAN!! STOP! You're killing me!" His choked voice husky with desire.
Judy paused, "You don't like this? You want me to stop? As you wish!" Then teasingly, eased back.
"NO!" The word burst from his lips. With a seductive smile, she once again loved him.
Kane's willpower was stretched to the limit. It took all he had not to let go. GAWD! He couldn't take any more! With a grunt, Kane raised up, grabbed her by the arms, and threw her down on her back.
Reaching between them, Kane ripped off her lacy panties, then did the same thing to her, that she had been doing to him! Within seconds, she cried out his name as wave after wave washed over her. Then, and only then, did he bury himself in her softness.
They loved each other all night long. They didn't leave their room for three days.....
Taker glanced over at Kaliegh. She had been silent the entire ride to the airport and now twenty minutes into the flight to Miami, Florida, she still had not said a word.
"Kaliegh," Taker said as he took her hand into his. "Please tell me what is bothering you."
"Hmmmm?? Oh, nothing." Kaliegh said. She lifted her eyes to his, an easy smile on her face. "I was just thinking about stuff....You and I mostly. I want to marry you, Taker. Not right away, but soon..."
When they arrived in Florida, Taker and Kaliegh went to their hotel and found that the arena was just down the block from the hotel. After checking in and taking their bags up to their room, they left again. Rather than buy a diamond ring, which Kaliegh didn't much care to wear anyway, Taker took her to a tattoo shop and had a ring tattood on her finger. It was her and Taker's names entwined in black thorns and vines and accented with tiny purple flowers. Then after they were married, they would each have their wedding bands added.
The show that night, a tuesday night, was a taping for next week's RAW. Taker was scheduled to take on Goldust and Mankind would interfere in the match as a form of revenge for Taker beating him two weeks ago on RAW.
Jim Ross: "Well, the Undertaker had Goldust up for the Tombstone, but Mankind has diverted the Undertaker's attention away from his opponent."
The King: "Yeah, and look at what Jaden is doing. She just booted that time keeper right off of his chair and is now threatening Mankind with that chair!"
Jim Ross: "That young lady needs to mind her own business. It doesn't matter to Mankind that she is a woman. He put the mandible claw on her last time and he'll do it again."
The King: "Not if he remembers what the Undertaker did to him after he he put that claw on Jaden last time. Undertaker whacked him not once, not twice, but three times with that chair and then Tombstoned him on that very same chair. And that Tombstone Piledriver should be out lawed here in the World Wrestling Federation. He could break someone's neck with that move!"
The confrontation went on until Mankind was beaten to the ground and then ended with the Undertaker's challenge for a Hell in a Cell match at the next pay-per-view.