Fudoshin Martial Arts School, Mumbai
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The student should be regular in class. If he/she is absent, then absent note is compulsory & should be submitted to the secretary.  Once a student enters the dojo, he/she cannot leave without special permission.  In the dojo’s premises fooling, playing & other outruled behaviour is strictly prohibited. No valuables should be brought to class.  For any damage of dojo’s instruments intentionally, students who cause the damage must pay for the same.  Without the permission of the management, no one must take out any camp.  Entry & monthly fees will not be refunded in any circumstances.  Students will be fined if they don’t pay the monthly fees before 15th of every month.  Parents cannot meet students without permission of master-in-incharge.  Students should be ready before 15 minutes of dojo’s timings.  All students must bow to the sensei, sendei & sempei according to discipline.  In any ceremonies or functions volunteers & workers should maintain complete  discipline and the sendei & sempei have no authority against volunteers.  Students are not allowed to demonstrate or teach martial arts without permission.  Those who desire to have concession in above rules can give a written application letter to the Governing body , explaining the type & limits. It is his/her duty to bring it in every session .  If any order or rule is disobeyed or if any type of bad behaviour is observed, the school shall punish those students .  All the fees & time of exams depends upon Sensei.  The time of the exam will be announced before one week .  There will be only one re-exam on discretion of the sensei.  For more details please contact on telephone no. between 8:30 pm-9:30 pm.  Any modification in Actions (Kathas,Combinations) depends upon Sensei. 
Dojo: Place of practice Hiza: Joint Each: One 
Gee: Uniform  Shoto: Chops  Ni: Two
Eno: Attention  Tusuki: Punch San: Three
Muksu: Close your eyes  Geri: Kick Shi: Four 
Muksu Mi: Open your eyes  Huke: Block Go: Five
Rey: Bow  Hozingoda: Slight 45o Rukh: Six
Hostracimas: Good day Waza: Technique Shish: Seven
Arigato: Thank you  Hura: Half Huch: Eight
Yoh: Breath out Mawashi: Half Round  Koo: Nine
Khammay: Ready position  Ushiro: Back Ju: Ten
Niyas: Rest  Mi: Front  Obi: Belt
Jodan: Face Yoko: Side Dach: Stance
Shomen: Stomach  Migi: Right Oagee: Shirt
Kedan: Lower Height Hidari: Left  Zuban: Pant
Kansatsu: Knee cap  Te: Hand
First finger stantusuki Karate Mi Uchi No. 1 & 2 Palm Shoto
Middle finger stantusuki Kungfu Mi Uchi No. 1 Ushiro Palm Shoto 1 & 2
Mi thumb stantusuki  Karate Yoko uchi No. 1 Shoto Zancin 
Ushiro Thumb stantusuki Kungfu Yoko Uchi No.1& 2 Shoto Ni Mi
Uchi-Te Ushiro Shoto 1,2 & 3
Mi-Uchite Yoko Shoto
Uchi Huke 1 & 2 Shoto Uchi
Ushiro Shoto Uchi-Te


Karate Muksubidach Lower Kungfu Nikowashi Short Zenkutsu
Sholin Muksubidach Kungfu Nikowashi  Long Zenkutsu
Karate Icodach Karate Nikowashi Lower Zenkutsu
Sholin Icodach Lower Karate Nikowashi Lower Crosss Stance
Sicodach Nikowashi Sicodach Straight cross Stance 2
Sanchin Dach Horse Stances Calf Stance
 Eagle Stance 
1 Shake hand ( Inner, Outer) Hippom Kumite Hip throw with lock
2 One hand Punch Lock Yaksuku Kumite Shoulder throw with lock
3 Cross Block Punch Lock Karate Langiki Circle throw with lock
4 Sholin Nidan Punch Lock Karate Shiyai  Uchi Mi with Lock
5 Hiza Punch Lock Tai Boxing O’Shoto Gari with Lock
6 Wrist Lock (up & down) Kungfu Langiki Lower kansatsu with Lock
7 Mawashi geri Lock Kungfu Shiyai Long zenkutsu 2nd with Lock lock
8 Khaki Huke Randori Cross kansatsu
9 Shoulder Lock Free style Kumite  
10 Hiza Neck Lock    
 1 Cross Block Tai-Chi 1 Half Chagurai 
 2 Nidan Tusuki Sholin 1 Full Chagurai
 3 Stan Tusuki Chinese 1 Falls (Mi,Yoko,Ushiro)
 4 9 Step Sanchin Shoto 1 Hip Throw
 5 Shoto Geri Waza 1  Shoulder Throw
 6 Getsa each Tai-Chi 2 Circle Throw 
 7 Sholin Kungfu Sholin 2 Kansatsu Throw 1st
 8 Chinese Kungfu Chinese 2 Long Zenkutsu 1st
 9 Getsa ni Tai Boxing Sweep Throw 
 10 Hiza 1st Hi Za 1 Uchi Mai
 11 Saifa Gojukan Sholin 3 O’Shoto Geri
 12 Thumb Stantusuki Chinese 3 Lower Kanstatsu
 13 Ushiro Hizate 2 nd One side Lower Zenkutsu 2nd
 14 Nidan Palm Shoto Exersices   
 15 Huke Geri Geri Waza 2
 16 Black Belt Sanchin Tai Chi Sholin 1
 17 Tai Chi 1 Karate Defence 1
 18 Judo 1 Nidan Sholin
 19 Aikido 1 Shoto 2nd
 20 Saifa 2
 21 Old Sholin 1
 22 Four Sided
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This book is published by Rajan Rikame
Copyright 1997 Fudoshin Martial Arts School, Mumbai