
EDRA Car Pack

Please review the installation instructions for both car packs within the zip files so that you get the car pack properly installed in your burnout game...  If you have any problems with the installation. Please contact an EDRA Admin and they will be happy to try and help you get the car pack properly  installed

The best way the EDRA has found to alternate between your car packs is to make a new folder in your Burnout directory for each car pack. ( One for Open Bracket and one for Pro Stock ) Unzip our car packs into the appropriate folder. On the nights you run in the EDRA events rename your original Cars folder to "Old Cars" and name the folder you want to run to "Cars"

Click Here to downlaod the EDRA Open Bracket Car Pack
This car pack contains 35 Open Bracket cars that have been modified and painted for the EDRA

Click Here to downlaod the EDRA Pro Stock Car Pack
This car pack contains 35 Pro stock cars of equal wieght painted and modified for the EDRA

If you have downloaded the EDRA Open Bracket car pack you will need to change one of the cars. There was an error in the making of the car pack...All you will need to do is go into your Cars folder and delete car number 38...you must delete all 3 files 38, 380 and 381 and then unzip the new car into its place...Sorry for any inconvienc

Last Updated: 9-26-99

Updated By: Emeral-EDRA