Here are some great Jokes 4 ya!

1. Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Harry who?
Harry up I am starving!

2. Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Abbott who?
Abbott time to eat isn't it?

3. Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Dewey who?
Dewey have to wait much longer to eat?

4. What goes "Gobble, Gobble" and flies at 2,000 mph?
A. A turkey on a concord!

5. What goes "Gobble, Gobble, ha, ha, ha, PLOP?"
A. A turkey laughing his head off!

5 Ways To Bug Your Parents

1. Don't brush your teeth when company comes over,
or when you go out somewhere.

2. Wait until your mom is in the shower,
then bang on the door and say "I GOTTA GO!!!!.

3. Beg your parents for an expensive toy,
then don't play with it...

4. Do the exact opposite of whatever they say...

5. Mock everything they say...

Well I hope you liked the jokes... I hope to add more soon!
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